Fox's new procedural drama series, titled Alert: Missing Persons Unit, is all set to premiere on the channel on Sunday, January 8, 2023. The show follows Nikki Batista, a highly efficient police officer who works in the titular missing persons unit. Here's the official description of the show, as per Fox:
''A character-driven police procedural drama set in the Philadelphia Police Department's Missing Persons Unit (MPU). When police officer Nikki Batista's son goes missing, she joins the special unit to help other people find their loved ones, even as she searches for her own.''
The synopsis further states:
"Alert: Missing Persons Unit" is a procedural drama with a heart-pounding, life-or-death search for a missing person in each episode, running alongside Nikki and her ex-husband's quest to find out the truth about their long-lost son. It's a case-of-the-week show with a case-of-a-lifetime story running through it -- a story that alternately brings the two main characters gut-wrenching heartache and heart-pounding joy.''
The show stars actress Dania Ramirez in the lead role, along with many others playing important supporting roles. It is helmed by John Eisendrath.
Alert: Missing Persons Unit cast list: Dania Ramirez and others feature in Fox's new procedural drama
1) Dania Ramirez as Nikki Batista
Dania Ramirez portrays the role of the protagonist, Nikki Batista, in Fox's Alert: Missing Person's Unit. Batista's son goes missing, following which she starts working at the missing person's unit.
Apart from Alert: Missing Person's Unit, Dania Ramirez is known for her performances in Heroes, Once Upon a Time, and Entourage. She also portrayed Blanca in the final season of HBO's acclaimed crime drama series, The Sopranos.
2) Scott Caan as Jason Grant
Actor Scott Caan dons the role of Jason Grant in the new Fox drama series. Grant is Nikki's ex-husband, who works in the missing unit department with her to help people find their missing loved ones. Caan and Ramirez share impeccable onscreen chemistry, and viewers can expect them to deliver memorable performances in the series.
Scott Caan's other notable film and TV acting credits include Ocean's Eleven, Entourage, Hawaii Five-0, and many more.
3) Adeola Role as Kemi
Adeola Role stars as Kemi in Alert: Missing Persons Unit. Kemi is a charming and confident member of the titular missing persons unit. She's known to be an extremely intelligent and charismatic officer who's very good at her job. More details about her character are currently being kept under tight wraps, but fans can expect Role to play a significant part in the series.
Adeola Role has previously starred in Blue Bloods, The Good Fight, and The Blacklist.
Apart from the aforementioned actors, Alert: Missing Persons Unit also stars:
- Graham Verchere as Keith
- Ryan Broussard as Mike
- Petey Gibson as C
- Fivel Stewart as Sydney
Don't forget to catch the new procedural drama series, Alert: Missing Persons Unit, on Fox on Sunday, January 8, 2023.