Fear the Walking Dead, the spin-off of the highly renowned Walking Dead series, recently ended by airing the two-part finale, culminating the narrative of Madison Clark. The last episode of the series reminds fans what the show has always narrated: No one is gone until they are gone.
Many fans have expressed that Fear the Walking Dead series finale offers a fairly distinct plot and a fitting send-off for its central characters. The wonderful reunion of mother and daughter Alicia Carlk and Madison Clark, in the series' final moments, offered viewers everywhere the closest thing they're going to ever get to an idyllic conclusion.
Fan favorite Alicia Clark returns to Fear the Walking Dead
The most intriguing enigma of season 8 of Fear the Walking Dead was what happened to Alicia Clark, a regular character of the spin-off series from the start. She had vanished during season 7 when Alycia Debnam-Carey departed the show and was missing throughout season 8. That is, until the finale dropped.
Additionally, Entertainment Weekly spoke with showrunners Ian B. Goldberg and Andrew Chambliss to learn more about how they repurchased Alycia to Fear the Walking Dead.
"We knew that we had to start planning this story both for creative reasons and logistical ones, and it just felt like this show has been about Madison fighting for her family since season 1 and it just had to end with Madison reuniting with her family.It's what the story wanted to be. So really we just crafted the whole season with that in mind."
The majority of the characters themselves believed that Alicia had died, as we discovered during the season when Troy repeatedly mentions that he has killed Madison's daughter. Russell misled him, telling Troy Alicia had turned into a walker after their violent altercation because he believed it was what Troy needed to hear.
But the series finale provides a conclusive explanation of Alicia's fate. It discloses the relationship between her and Tracy, who was earlier revealed to be Alicia's daughter by Troy in his last moments. Madison and Tracy support one other as she recovers from the devastation of PADRE, being underneath the rubble, and an unexpected figure greets the pair.
A lady gets close to their tent, and Tracy draws a pistol. It turns out that the woman is none other than Alicia Clark. After the seventh season, Alicia departed on her merry way but decided to track down her mother after learning of her bravery via survivor radios. She inquires about how her mother survived the fallout at PADRE, and according to Madison, Tracy, Alicia's alleged daughter, saved her.
Alicia claims she never had a kid and points out that Tracy is the daughter of a deceased survivor she knew, Serena. In other words, Troy stated this lie to motivate Madison to defend Tracy. Madison and Alicia give each other a heartfelt embrace but then purposefully steer clear of a touching remembrance with their other pals.
Alicia and Madison let the other Fear The Walking Dead characters think that the PADRE explosion killed Madison while Troy Otto murdered Alicia.
After the show, the mother and daughter were reunited and set off to return to Los Angeles, where they were beginning a new life with a new addition to their family, Tracy. They also glance at Victor Strand in the rearview mirror as they pass by.
The showrunners had the following to say regarding the end,
"It felt like this was a show that started with Madison, the matriarch of a blended family in Los Angeles, so it felt like a fitting end to it would be Madison with a new blended family made up of her daughter, and then Alicia's surrogate daughter and Madison’s surrogate granddaughter heading back to the place it all started."
They continued,
"And they’d be taking with them everything they've learned, carrying this new legacy that they're starting to spread across the apocalypse and just creating the anticipation of these incredible adventures that may lay ahead on the road to Los Angeles."
Fear the Walking Dead finale and the whole series is available for fans to watch on AMC and AMC+.