Popular actress, Jennifer Garner shared the tragic news of her father’s passing away on Instagram on April 1, 2024. In the post, she mentioned that her 85-year-old father, William, “passed peacefully Saturday afternoon.” While sharing a few pictures with her father, Garner mentioned in the caption:
"My dad passed peacefully Saturday afternoon. We were with him, singing Amazing Grace as he left us (did we carry him across or scare him away— valid question.) While there is no tragedy in the death of an 85 year old man who lived a healthy, wonderful life, I know grief is unavoidable, waiting around unexpected corners."
She also mentioned:
"There is so much to say about my dad— my sisters and I will never be done talking about how wonderful he was, so bear with us— but for today I share these memories with my appreciation for the kind and brilliant man, father, and grandfather he was, as well as the loving legacy he left behind."
In the series of pictures posted by the actress, she also shared a clip of a Capital One commercial, in which Jeniffer Garner shared a moment with her father. The rest of the pictures were snapshots of her childhood, with her father and the rest of the family.
As per The Daily Telegraph, William John Garner worked as a chemical engineer for Union Carbide. On the other hand, her mother, Patricia Ann was a homemaker, who later taught English at a college in West Virginia.
Jennifer Garner’s parents had two more daughters apart from the actress: More details about the actress’ family explored
Jennifer did not mention the cause of his death, but stated that he "lived a healthy, wonderful life.” Calling him an “ever patient girl dad,” she also mentioned at length about his “work ethic, leadership and faith.”
Born in 1972, Jennifer Garner was not the only girl to her parents, as William John Garner and Patricia Ann English had 2 more daughters, one elder to Jennifer, and one younger. The actress was born in Houston, Texas, however, the family later shifted to West Virginia, when Garner was only three years old.
Jennifer Garner was often been seen with her father at various events, which showed that the two shared a close bond. She even spoke to the Daily Beast once and described her father as a “very conservative” man.
Jennifer Garner said:
“My dad is very conservative, but my mom is quietly blue, and my sisters and I all buck my father’s trend, so we have some very lively discussions when we try to go that direction at dinner.”
Jennifer Garner also talked about how they were never allowed to wear makeup, get their ears pierced, paint their nails, or even dye their hair. She said:
“We were very conservative in that we didn’t have our ears pierced; none of us ever had layers in our hair or a perm or colour. We were the Garner Girls, and we were very “appropriate” at all times.”
Her sisters, Melissa Garner Wylie and Susannah Kay Garner Carpenter are very close to the actress, as she often posts pictures with them on social media. In fact, in an interview with The Independent, she talked about her elder sister and said:
"If I'm totally honest, I wouldn't be where I am today if it wasn't for the fact that I have this bigger-than-life, incredible older sister. She's beautiful, and she was valedictorian, got 1600 on her SATs, the top score on the U.S. high school exams and was the head majorette."
However, as the Catch Me If You Can actress shared the tragic news, tributes for her father started floating in on social media. The family has yet to reveal other details about his funeral and memorial services.