The new British comedy series, titled Am I Being Unreasonable?, is set to be released in the US on Hulu on Tuesday, April 11, 2023. The film tells the story of a woman stuck in an unhappy marriage whilst also grieving a loss about which she can't talk to anyone. Her life changes forever after she meets a woman named Jen, who's just moved to her town. The official synopsis of the show, as per Hulu's YouTube channel, reads:
''A twisted comedy thriller about obsessive friendship and maternal paranoia. Unfulfilled in her marriage, Nic is grieving a loss that she can’t share with anyone. Only her son Ollie keeps her going. But when Jen arrives in town, Nic's life is lit up with laughter and through this kindred soul her dark secret starts to surface. ‘Am I Being Unreasonable?''
The series was released in the UK in September 2022 and received mostly positive reviews from critics and viewers. It stars Daisy May Cooper in the lead role as Nic, along with many others portraying important supporting characters. The show is helmed by May Cooper and Selin Hizli.
Hulu's Am I Being Unreasonable? cast list: Daisy May Cooper, Lenny Rush, and others to feature in comedy series
1) Daisy May Cooper as Nic
Daisy May Cooper features in the lead role as Nic in Hulu's Am I Being Unreasonable?. Nic is deeply unhappy with her marriage. Her bond with another woman named Jen forms the emotional core of the series.
Daisy May Cooper looks quite impressive in the series' trailer, portraying the numerous complicated shades of her character with astonishing ease. Viewers can expect her to deliver a memorable performance on the show.
Apart from Am I Being Unreasonable?, she's known for her performances in Rain Dogs, The Witchfinder, and many more.
2) Selin Hizli as Jen
Selin Hizli portrays the character of Jen in the new Hulu comedy series. Jen is a kind and friendly woman who strikes a bond with Nic, but their equation grows more complicated as the story progresses.
Selin Hizli looks in terrific form in the show's trailer as she perfectly embodies her character's traits with remarkable ease, promising to deliver a powerful performance. Her other notable film and TV acting credits include Land Girls, Deadwater Fell, Mum, and Appropriate Adult, among many others.
3) Lenny Rush as Ollie
Young actor Lenny Rush dons the role of Ollie in Am I Being Unreasonable?. Ollie is Nic's son with whom she shares a loving relationship. Rush looks brilliant in the trailer, portraying his character's adorable and loving nature with absolute ease. Lenny Rush has previously starred in Old Boys, Enola Holmes 2, Dodger, and many more.
Apart from the aforementioned actors, the movie also stars numerous other actors in key supporting/minor roles like:
- David Fynn as Alex
- Jessica Hynes as Becca
- Dustin Demri-Burns as Dan
- Amanda Wilkin as Suzie
- Juliet Cowan as Viv
Don't forget to watch Am I Being Unreasonable? on Hulu on Tuesday, April 11, 2023.