American Girl has just launched their latest “Girl of the Year,” and the internet has gone crazy over the first-ever South Asian main character, Kavi Sharma. The doll is a punky Broadway-loving dancer and singer and was unveiled on Thursday, December 29, 2022, as American Girl's 2023 "Girl of the Year."
Furthermore, the company gave a description of the doll as a girl living in Metuchen, New Jersey. Jamie Cygielman, General Manager of the brand, said in a press statement:
“As we ring in a new year, we’re excited to have Kavi Sharma take center stage in our popular Girl of the Year lineup. Just like all our beloved characters, Kavi’s culturally relevant and aspirational stories help inspire kids to shine bright in their own way and be proud of who they are.”
At the same time, social media users have shared their reactions to the historic launch of an Indian-American Girl Doll. One netizen took to Twitter and ecstatically said:
“It’s happening people!”
“Your existence still means so much to and so many desi Americans”: Netizens are overjoyed after the American Girl Kavi Sharma launch
The famous brand American Doll first launched the “Girl of the Year” in 2001. Over the last 21 years, there have been many dolls of mixed ethinicty. From 2006’s Jess McConnell, who was half-Japanese, to 2011’s Kanani Akina, who was part-Japanese-Hawaiian, to last year’s Corinne Tan, who was of Chinese ethnicity, and now Kavi, who has become the fourth doll of Asian descent.
Netizens are over the moon seeing the first doll of Indian-American descent. One social media user took to Twitter and exclaimed:
“Welcome, Kavi Sharma. If you came out ten years ago when I was obsessing over American girl, I would have been OVER THE MOON and begged my parents to get you. even tho I’m not in that phase of my life, your existence still means so much to and so many desi Americans.”
American Girl Doll Kavi Sharma to retail for $115
With the launch of the newest “Girl of the Year,” the company also announced its retail price, which is $115. American Girl Doll also announced that other accessories would also be available for sale with the doll.
Announcing the same on social media, the company said:
“Broadway, here she comes! Meet Kavi, our 2023 Girl of the Year!”
Besides that, they also shared her story and said:
"Kavi 'is American Girl’s first-ever South Asian “Girl of the Year” character and, as part of her story, she lives with her close-knit Indian American (Hindu) family in Metuchen, NJ — a short train ride from her favorite place in the world, New York City & Broadway!'"
Like all other American Girl Dolls, Kavi is a 18-inch doll with brown eyes, medium skin tone, and dark hair. The doll sports a colorful cropped mesh top with silver jogging pants and pink tennis shoes. Other accessories in the collection include a mini keyboard, a folding stage, a rolling wardrobe, a vanity, a Bollywood dance costume, a plush pet dog, a faux-fur bucket hat, a quilted purse, and more.