American Monster, the highly engrossing true-crime series of Investigation Discovery, has investigated the gruesome murder case of 21-year-old young mother Lauren Kidd in Episode 6 of Season 8. The American Monster episode aired on July 4, 2022, at 9 / 8c, on Investigation Discovery and the streaming platform Discovery +.
The heart-wrenching incident that ended the life of the young mother from Broken Arrow, Oklahoma, took place in October 2018, when Lauren's boyfriend Konner Brunner shot her while the couple was having an intense argument. Kidd's son Addison was only 3 years old at the time of her murder.
The title of Season 8's Episode 6 is 'Broken Heart in Broken Arrow'. Since its airing, fans of the show have been quite eager to learn more details about the cold-blooded killer boyfriend of Lauren, Konner Brunner.
This article summarizes what is known about the whereabouts of Konner Brunner.
Learn all about the killer Konner Brunner as the latest American Monster episode streams on ID and Discovery +
What did Konner Brunner do?
Konner Brunner is the cold-blooded murderer of his 21-year-old girlfriend, Lauren Kidd, whose tragic death was investigated in the latest episode of American Monster.
Konner Brunner shot Lauren Kidd with a .45-caliber handgun in their apartment in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma, after a heated argument inside Konner's car.
Allegedly, after ending Lauren's life, Konner went on to buy cleaning supplies with his ex-girlfriend to cover up the murder. However, his ex-girlfriend had no idea that she was helping Konner cover up his sinister crime.
Later on, as the investigation continued, some of Brunner's friends came forward to reveal that they might have seen blood stains in Brunner's car and disclosed that Brunner had a .45-caliber handgun. This led to the police becoming extremely suspicious of Brunner.
In November, the police finally arrested Brunner, who, upon questioning, claimed that he accidentally shot Lauren while they were arguing. Lauren's dismembered body was later found at a Valliant paper mill. The gun used by Brunner was found inside a dustbin.
Christa Kidd, Lauren’s mother, was always unsure of her daughter's relationship with Brunner. She exclaimed in an interview:
"He was dangerous. They had domestic calls with the police department several times."
Where is Brunner now?
The defense claimed that the unimaginable and quite terrifying incident was an accident. However, in January 2020, the court found Konner Brunner guilty of first-degree murder of his girlfriend Lauren Kidd.
In March 2020, 23-year-old Konner was given a lifetime prison with a parole option after at least thirty-eight years and three months.
According to prison records, Konner Brunner is currently serving his life sentence at the North Fork Correctional Center in Beckham County, Oklahoma. Right after the sentencing, Lauren's mother Christa said:
"There won’t be any closure. We don’t have a body to bury, and we don’t really have a memorial. There’s not that gravesite, per se, that you can have. So we have to create our own."
Don't forget to catch the American Monster Season 8 Episode 6 titled, 'Broken Heart in Broken Arrow' exclusively on Investigation Discovery or Discovery +.