NBC's American Ninja Warrior aired its Season 14 finale on Monday night, and much to everyone's surprise, the famed reality TV series created history. Thirteen contestants were battling it out for a chance to win $1 million. All of them first had to navigate through stage 3's obstacle Pipe Dream. While this stage is not an easy feat, the ninjas seem to be doing a pretty good job at cruising through it.
By the end of stage 3, out of the 13 who participated, five contestants had advanced to stage four with good timing and without missing a slip or taking a drip through the obstacle course. This surprised not just the viewers, but the hosts as well. Read on to learn more about the historic moment in American Ninja Warrior.
American Ninja Warrior Season 14 created history during the finale
This was the first season in American Ninja Warrior history that five contestants advanced to stage four in one night. Whereas in the previous season's five contestants made it to stage four combined.
The five contestants who made it through to stage 4 in the race for $1 million were Kaden Lebsack, Jay Lewis, Josh Levin, Josiah Pippel, and R.J. Roman. They battled it out against each other by climbing up a 80ft rope in 30 seconds.
This wasn't the only historic moment in the series finale. One among the finalists who made it to stage 4 was Kaden Lebsack. The 16-year-old first took part in American Ninja Warrior: Junior but was back on American Ninja Warrior for the second time in a row, and he created history on Tuesday night.
No contestant to date has made it to stage four twice. But this was achieved by Kaden for the first time in American Ninja Warrior history. During Season 13, Kaden was the only contestant to advance to stage four. Not just that, although he wasn't able to complete it in 30 seconds and win $1 million, he walked away with the title of 'Last Ninja Standing' and won a whopping $100,000.
Similarly, all five contestants who took on stage 4 managed to reach the roof of the tower. Sadly, neither of them were able to reach within 30 seconds. Kaden was the final contestant of the night. He climbed up the rope with such energy and speed it almost looked like he was running.
Sadly, when he was almost reaching, his arm gave up. He had to slow down because of which he couldn't make it to the top before the clock ran out. Luckily for him, he was still able to reach the top of the roof with the least amount of time taken.
It was a close battle between Kaden and Josh Levin. Ultimately, it was Kaden who had the shortest time to reach the top of the tower. Kaden beat Josh by a difference of a split second. He was once again crowned the Last Ninja Standing and walked away with another whopping prize amount of $100,000.
This was the first time the series allowed teenagers to apply. Most of the contestants who made it to stage four were teenagers themselves.
American Ninja Warrior airs every Tuesday night at 8 pm ET on NBC. Readers can check your local listings for more information.