Popular streamer and ex-boxer Andrew Tate has been banned from Meta's platforms, including Instagram and Facebook. The steamer was already banned from Twitter for making misogynistic tweets like, suggesting women should “bear some responsibility” for being sexually assaulted by men, or not believing in gender equality, etc.
The ban from Meta was supposedly triggered by similar reasons and mass reporting by other viewers. As soon as people learned about the ban, they fished out images of old tweets made by the streamer, which have now turned into memes. One such tweet included an image of Andrew Tate standing in front of a Bentley, with the caption saying:
"Never seen Star Wars. None of them. Never will. 'Omg, you’re missing out,' Maybe. You’re missing out on being a multi-millionaire. Keep your movie"
People refer to Andrew Tate as the guy who never watched Star Wars
Internet users were surprised to find out that Andrew Tate was the same person who shamed Star Wars fans. They referred to his old tweets calling him the "never seen star wars guy," and it seems like he will be stuck with the name.
Many users were shocked after finding out that Tate and the "never seen Star Wars guy" are the same person.
Many were surprised that the creator had fans after making the Star Wars tweet, while others made jokes about being superiors for knowing him before he became popular for his controversial views.
How did Andrew Tate react to the ban?
Tate has a fairly large following on Instagram with over 4.7 million followers. Meta did not delve deep into the reason for them banning Tate and only suggested that he "was a potential danger to other users."
However, people believe that the reason behind the ban is Tate's misogynistic comments, including making statements like women "belong in the home" and are "man's property."
While talking to Adin Ross on a live stream, Tate said that he understood Meta's position and their decision to ban him. He suggested that the loss of his Instagram and Facebook accounts did not cause him any significant loss.
He added that his views have been twisted and cropped to give out a different narrative. He also said that he was annoyed because he had received numerous death threats on Instagram, but the authorities have never taken any action against them. Instead, they chose to block his account and labeled him as "dangerous." He further added that he is in the process of contacting the right authorities and hopes for the "truth" to "prevail."
Andrew Tate is expected to continue streaming on Twitch and YouTube. However, numerous users wish for the creator's ban on those portals as well.
What is the "Never seen Star Wars" meme?
On April 12, 2019, Tate Tweeted a picture of himself, claiming that not watching Star Wars had made him a millionaire. His post received major attention from the platform, gaining him 7,600 retweets and 30,000 likes in four days.
A few hours after the initial Tweet, Tate posted a picture of himself with women and wrote:
"Everyone who’s ever watched star wars in human history is absolutely dirt poor. No exceptions. Only I can save you. I teach you how to make money online here: https://www.cobratate.com/product/war-room/"
He continued his thread with another post where he photoshopped his face on Jesus’ body and captioned it with:
"Even watching a star wars trailer may leave you homeless, on the street, with aids. Only I have the path to absolute financial freedom. Do not follow the Jedi. Follow the Jesus. Learn how to get unlimited girls and make unlimited money HERE: http://Cobratate.com"
Both the tweets received over 2k likes within four days of posting. People were confused about the tweets and the connection Star Wars movies had with being successful. However, many took this chance to troll the creator with funny comments. They rephrased the initial tweet and added other shows in place of Star Wars. Some even went further and photoshopped their faces on Tate's car picture.