MTV aired episode 10 of Siesta Key: Miami Moves season 5, titled It's Not About the Bathing Suit, on Thursday, January 5 at 8 pm ET.
Chloe, Amanda, and Juliette dealt with the aftermath of their fight after Amanda had stayed at Sam's place for the night. Chloe was upset that Amanda attacked her marriage during their argument, but the latter said that she just wanted to hurt her.
Amanda felt that Chloe was judging everyone around her ever since she got married, which Juliette agreed to. Amanda also stated that she was feeling attacked by Chloe and talked rudely to Juliette because of that, promising that she would not even touch Sam.
When Amanda went to Chloe's house to collect her stuff to move into Madisson's home, she told the latter that she was being judgemental, but Chloe said that she was just concerned about her friend. At a party, Juliette tried to talk to Chloe and make her realize that she was indeed judging Amanda for not having a job.
Juliette also felt that Chloe had attacked Amanda multiple times in the past. Chloe decided to storm away from the situation and screamed at Amanda when she tried to stop her. Juliette said that Chloe was not the same person they became friends with.
Siesta Key: Miami Moves fans agreed with Juliette and Amanda. They felt that she was doing all this just to be the center of attention on the show.
Siesta Key: Miami Moves fans slam Chloe for judging her friends
Chloe married Chris after getting to know him for just three months and has been fighting with other cast members ever since. She recently got into an argument with Jordana and Sam after talking about them behind their backs.
Chloe also almost got into a physical altercation with Amanda when she tried to solve her issues with Juliette.
Siesta Key: Miami Moves fans felt that Chloe was acting entitled and reminded her of all the times she had caused fights in the group.
What happened on Siesta Key: Miami Moves season 5 episode 10?
MTV's description of the episode reads:
"Juliette, Chloe and Amanda try to recover from their fight, but not everyone is ready to move on; Jordana and Sam continue to have issues with their living situation; Brandon tells Teenear and her dad about his record label opportunity."
This week on Siesta Key: Miami Moves, Lexie revealed that ever since their party, Mike had been texting her a lot and even came up to her apartment the previous night. Juliette could not believe how quickly the situation escalated with Amanda after their fight and wondered if they could ever be friends again.
Amanda was also worried about the same and understood that she should not have brought up Chloe's marriage in their fight. Meanwhile, Jordana grew upset with Sam for giving away her bathing suit to another girl, despite her asking not to do so, and felt that he was not listening to her.
Jordana ultimately decided to move out of Sam's home and find another place.
Siesta Key: Miami Moves airs on MTV every Thursday at 8 pm ET.