The second last episode of the beloved animated adult comedy Archer was released on Wednesday, October 4, 2023, and has paved the way for the final episode to premiere this coming Wednesday.
The seventh episode of Season 14, titled Mission Out of Control Room, puts Lana in charge of three parts of the mission being carried out by teams of two in three different parts of the world.
However, the episode ends with the control room of the International Secret Intelligence Service (ISIS) breaking down and catching fire thereby spilling water on Lana's aspiration to conduct one mission without any difficulties.
As Rotten Tomatoes puts it correctly,
"Lana monitors simultaneous missions in her state-of-the-art control room, but Archer and the gang experience technical difficulties."
Archer will be premiering its final episode of the final season on FXX on Wednesday, October 11, 2023, at 10:00 PM ET/PT.
Disclaimer: Spoilers ahead
Archer Season 14 Episode 7 - The team powers down Dragon Run to find their control room catch on fire mysteriously
The seventh episode of Archer's Season 14 begins with Lana Kane, the newly appointed head of the Agency, trying to take charge of a mission without any mishaps occurring. In order to help her endeavor, she installs a state-of-the-art communications system that keeps her connected with the agents on the field at all times.
The star of the show, Sterling Archer, is sent to break into an ordinary-looking house in New Jersey along with Cyril. Meanwhile, Pam and Ray are inside a Japanese warehouse while Zara and Dr. Krieger are making their way through a Mexican cave. These efforts were to shut down the international online black market by the name of Dragon Run by inserting thumb drives to hack into the mainframe at the same time.
Even though the teams succeed in their mission and make Dragon Run delete itself through the breach, Archer finds his interest waiver as he takes off after the single mother of the teenager who lives in the house they broke into. The teenager, Trevor, had built the mainframe for Dragon Run as a side project.
Through the cross-talk and miscommunication, the three teams finish the job at hand while Lana lets out a sigh of relief hoping to get hold of the bounty from Interpol sometime soon. However, as she decides to send over the data to Interpol, Cheryl encourages her to take the time off and head out for some drinks.
The scene depicts Cheryl and Lana stepping out of the control room to have the electrical malfunction in the background. The door stops working first followed by the crashing of the brand-new monitors and catching on fire. The ending of the episode is rather loose-ended but also definitive in a way that Lana does not succeed in her goal of carrying out one mission without any issues.
The three teams in Japan, Mexico, and the United States are left in the dark as they request extraction, but considering the broken-down system, there's no one to guide them. Additionally, the control room losing control holds some importance which may be revealed in the following episode titled Breaking Fabian.
The eighth and final episode will witness the return of Fabian Kingsworth, the former head of the International Intelligence Agency, to save the team from trouble. For now, tune in to FXX on Wednesday, October 11, 2023, to bid the team a final farewell. The episode will be available for streaming next day onwards on Hulu.