In the world of British TV, the 2023 show Archie is a captivating story that brings together the fascinating life of Cary Grant. With Jeff Pope, the genius behind Philomena, leading the way, this four-part series will take viewers on a cinematic adventure, diving deep into Grant's successes, challenges and personal connections.
Get ready for an exciting journey with Archie as it takes fans back to the golden age of Hollywood. Created in partnership with Grant's ex-wife and daughter, the show gives fans a genuine and unfiltered portrayal of a Hollywood legend.
With all his marriages and rumors about being gay or bi, Grant's journey is a fascinating dive into fame, personal expression and why people are still obsessed with this iconic movie star.
Grant's charm and his impact on cinema make Archie a must-see glimpse into the glamorous era of Old Hollywood.
What is Cary Grant's Archie all about?
Archie is a captivating four-part biographical series that unveils the complex layers of Cary Grant's life, presenting a nuanced portrait of the Hollywood icon. The series follows Grant's journey from his poor beginnings in Bristol, England, to the heights of success in Hollywood, Variety explains.
According to Loughborough University, Archie cleverly mixes up Grant's early life and his Hollywood successes. It explores how he became famous, his complicated relationships and the important events of the 1960s. The focus is on his marriage and divorce from Dyan Cannon, who was 33 years younger than him.
Working with Grant's daughter Jennifer and ex-wife Dyan Cannon, the series uncovers his challenges, connections and fascinating experimentation with LSD, according to the University of Portsmouth.
Was Cary Grant gay?
People have been wondering about Cary Grant's sexuality for a while now, with different stories and opinions floating around. Some people in Hollywood thought he was gay, but his daughter, Jennifer Grant, set the record straight in her 2011 memoir. She said her dad wasn't gay.
But according to The Independent, Grant might have been bisexual. His relationship with actor Randolph Scott adds another layer to the story, with the two of them even living together as a couple in Hollywood in the 1930s, which caused quite a stir and led to a lot of gossip.
According to The Daily Beast, Grant's ever-changing descriptions of his sexuality, from saying he was gay when he was younger to later identifying as bisexual and then straight, make his personal life even more mysterious.
Who was Cary Grant married to?
One of the focuses of Archie is the marriage of Cary Grant and Dyan Cannon. The series delves into the complexities of their relationship and subtly depicts the ups and downs that define their time together.
Dyan Cannon, played by Laura Aikman, becomes the central character of the story, providing insight into the private world of Hollywood's most mysterious couple.
As Archie keeps everyone hooked with its amazing story and awesome cast, fans can enjoy watching the series on platforms like BritBox, ITV Studios, Amazon, iTunes and Vudu.