The Walking Dead franchise is undoubtedly one of the most coveted horror franchises of the 21st century. Based on the post-apocalyptic comic book series created by Robert Kirkman and artists Tony Moore and Charlie Adlard, the AMC horror drama ran from October 31, 2010, to November 20, 2022, for 11 seasons. However, the comics were published from 2003 to 2019.
The comic book series ended unexpectedly. It was published by Image Comics and released 193 issues in total. Its TV series adaptation was so successful that a number of spinoffs were also created on its basis. The main show's spinoffs include Fear the Walking Dead, World Beyond, Tales of the Walking Dead, Dead City, Daryl Dixon, The Ones Who Live, and more.
"I may dabble in it at some point in the future" - Robert Kirkman on possibility of The Walking Dead comics making a comeback
In a 2016 interview with Image Comics, Robert Kirkman was asked to shed light on his experience of creating a new franchise from scratch. He explained that it took a "tremendous amount of work" to keep the plot fresh for readers. However, he stated that the fact that individuals were excited about the title even after over a decade was an accomplishment.
The American comic book writer recently revealed that he wondered if he would create a full series return for the comics as he said:
"I gave 16 years of my life to this world. I may dabble in it at some point in the future, but I doubt I'll ever return to do a full series."
As per ComicBook, the creator also replied to a fan letter about whether he would write a new comic based on the same subject matter and he responded:
"Lots of people asking for a new series here. The closest we'll likely come to this is an entirely new series from me that's completely separate from TWD but has subject matter that would appeal to TWD fans. That's the best I could do at this point."
In a different interview with ScreenRant in January 2023, The Walking Dead producer David Alpert left the decision to revive the comic book series to its creator. He said that it was completely up to Kirkman if he wanted his work to make a comeback.
"I would say the answer is whatever Robert wants to do, Robert will do. He brought back The Walking Dead in the deluxe form when we ended up coloring the black and white books, and I think that's been a great experience," he said.
Apart from The Walking Dead, Kirkman is also known for his work on titles including Battle Pope, Invincible, Marvel Zombies, Irredeemable Ant-Man, Outcast, Oblivion Song, Fire Power, and Thief of Thieves.
The Walking Dead TV show synopsis
The hit TV series came to an end in 2022 with season 11. Starring Norman Reedus, Andrew Lincoln, Melissa McBride, Jeffrey Dean Morgan, and more, the show was hailed for its engaging plot and exciting twists.
According to Rotten Tomatoes, the synopsis of the show reads:
"A group of survivors travel in search of safety and security, constantly on the move in search of a secure home. But the pressure each day to stay alive sends many in the group to the deepest depths of human cruelty, and they soon discover that the overwhelming fear of the survivors can be more deadly than the zombies walking among them. At times, the interpersonal conflicts present a greater threat to their continuing survival than the walkers that roam the country."
The show is currently available to stream on Netflix.