Onitsuka Tiger recently collaborated with the globally renowned Astro Boy to co-design their celebratory, extensive collection of sneakers and clothing items. The Onitsuka Tiger x Astro Boy footwear and apparel collection was released on December 12, 2023, via Ginza Pop-Up stores exclusively.
However, the wider launch is scheduled for January 12, 2024. The complete assortment will be available for purchase on Onitsuka Tiger's website as well as in select stores, both in-store and online.
The Dentigre Puff Boot can be purchased for roughly $250, while the Mexico 66 SD can be purchased for approximately $190.
Onitsuka Tiger x Astro Boy footwear and apparel collection offers Dentigre Puff Boot and Mexico 66 SD sneakers
Throughout the years, numerous fashion partnerships have been inspired by the popular Japanese anime and manga icon known as Astro Boy. Recently, Astro Boy has joined hands with Onitsuka Tiger, another renowned Japanese label, in a significant partnership that will take place next year.
This partnership is a remarkable commemoration of their shared past, as Onitsuka Tiger is celebrating its 75th anniversary in 2024. Astro Boy was created around the same period in the 1950s, so this association is a perfect example of how they share roots.
Based on Astro Boy's prior outstanding collaborations, such as the one with Reebok and BAIT in 2022 and the MSCHF Big Red Boot, which was inspired by Astro Boy and became sensational, the current lineup is a continuation of those great partnerships.
The Mexico 66 SD and the Dentigre Puff Boot are two distinguished sneaker designs of the Japanese sneaker brand that are included in this assortment.
While the Dentigre Puff Boot is featured in a single all-red ensemble, the Mexico 66 SD, which is a classic and much-loved model, will be offered in three different hues. The Puff Boot and one of the Mexico 66 SD colors are both saturated in vibrant red hues, which is reminiscent of the color scheme that Astro Boy would typically use.
Both of the last two Mexico 66 SD sneakers are designed in classic color combinations, with one being a sleek black and the other being a gray that can be worn in a variety of situations. Every single piece of footwear in the collection features Astro Boy labeling, which has been ingeniously incorporated into a variety of different places on the top.
A one-of-a-kind co-branded look is created by the figure himself being depicted on the insole, which is then combined with the insignia of the sneaker brand. The sleek silhouette of each pair of sneakers is finished off with a neutral midsole as well as an outsole, which contributes to the overall functionality of the shoes in addition to their aesthetic appeal.
Besides the sneaker pack, the duo also designed a beautiful assortment of apparel items, comprising hats, shirts, pants, women’s skirts, bomber jackets, socks, sweat hoodies, and more. All these items feature graphics inspired by Astro Boy that beautifully complement the sneaker designs.
The background of this brilliant partnership is stated on the footwear brand’s website as follows:
“Born in Japan and in the same era, Astro Boy and Onitsuka Tiger both draw visions for the future with hope for tomorrow. As Onitsuka Tiger marks its 75th anniversary, it is only natural that it has invited Astro Boy to be its first partner as it looks toward its 100th anniversary.”
Mark your calendars for the launch of the aforementioned collaborative collection, which will be widely purchasable in the coming weeks.