In between theories revolving around the incident at the Astroworld Festival, Darius Williams, one of the security guards, revealed that they were not prepared.
A few days before the festival, Darius Williams was hired for security purposes by a company called Contemporary Services Corporation. He says that his role was not well explained, and he completed his training a day before the festival began.
This is why Darius Williams was completely bailed for the work he was hired for since he was uncomfortable with the inexperienced situation he saw.
Darius Williams says the staff was not good enough to handle a massive crowd
Darius Williams explained everything they had to do to pass the CSC’s smell test for the festival. Initially, Darius Williams and others had to go through a licensing exam for a level 2 security officer. However, he mentioned that the test was short, and answers were provided through the instructors' open book.
Despite being tired and hungry, Darius Williams went for his first shift and instantly realized that they were understaffed and did not have enough equipment to control a huge crowd. He even warned his supervisors about the same, and while they tried to move him to another role, he threw up in his hands and left since he felt unsafe.
Darius Williams also said that the other hired guards did not want to work. However, he does not know if they worked or left, and no security experience was needed to apply for this job, which was mentioned in the company’s job listing.
Darius Williams said he was not aware which one of the guards had been injected with a needle. But it seems like something like that happened because of weak security measures.
What happened at the Astroworld music festival?
Around eight people died, and others were injured at Travis Scott’s Astroworld Music Festival in Houston, Texas, at NRG Park on November 5. The attendants rushed towards the stage, which eventually led to the death of individuals aged between 14 to 27 and 25 others hospitalized.
Eyewitnesses said that concertgoers could not get out of the huge crowd. A few also noted that there were barricades near the stage, because of which no one could escape.
On the other hand, authorities stated that the space in the venue was sufficient to handle 200,000 people, and the number was limited to 50,000. Officials also said that safety precautions were taken, and there were inspectors to ensure that the doors remained open and unobstructed.
Several videos from the incident went viral. One of them shows a person climbing to a platform where a cameraman was filming and yelled to stop the show while a few told him to calm down. TMZ recently reported that someone may have injected everyone in the crowd with some kind of drug.
A social media video also shows Travis Scott stopping the show and asking for help from someone in the crowd. A few concertgoers have also hired attorneys to file a lawsuit against Travis Scott. Scott tweeted on the afternoon of November 6, expressing his grief over the incident.