The popular series Bake Squad returned with a brand new installment. Season 2 of the baking show aired all eight episodes on Thursday, January 20, 2023, on Netflix. The show saw four popular bakers battle it out to create dessert masterpieces out of which one will be chosen for a customer's special occasion. The new season returned with more grandeur and flair as compared to its previous season.
Spoiler Alert: This article contains spoilers from Bake Squad season 2 premiere.
Hosted by Milk Bar founder Christina Tosi, the cast includes popular and well-renowned bakers including cake decorator Ashley Holt, pastry chefs Christophe Rull and Maya-Camille Broussard, and chocolatier Gonzo Jimenez. For the season premiere, they had to make a cake for 13-year-old Josh's Bar Mitzvah.
The bakers went above and beyond to make the occasion extraordinary with their cakes. Ultimately Josh's mother Jennifer chose to go with Maya-Camille Broussard's cake, which was a refueling spot packed with all the sweet treats and a tire cake.
The official synopsis of the show reads:
“After baking up a storm in season one, all four original members of the Squad are back and hungry for more! The expert bakers elevate desserts with next-level ideas and epic execution, to create showstopping centerpieces for someone’s extra special big day."
Bake Squad cast makes huge cakes for Josh's Bar Mitzvah
Josh's mother Jennifer came up with a request to the Bake Squad cast at the season 2 premiere. She wanted to celebrate her 13-year-old son's coming-of-age Bar Mitzvah. While she noted that it wasn't traditional for people to have cake on the occasion, her son was a big-time cake lover.
Explaining the prerequisites for the cake and giving the crew an insight into Josh's personality, Jennifer explained that he was the life of the party, a true performer and a full personality. Josh was extremely interested in space, cars, and dessert treats like marshmallows, churros, and chocolates - a concept that the bakers instantly took note of and were intrigued with. She also stated that the event would have more than 100 people and that the family had been planning it for two years.
After a quick brief, the Bake Squad members got to work on creating their designs. While Christophe wanted to make a centerpiece for every table, Ashley wanted to make a seven-tier black and white cake. Gonzo wanted to make a 5 feet rocket made of chocolate, and Maya-Camille hoped to make a refueling station filled with dessert treats and a tire cake.
As the bakers were working, Jennifer was called in for a quick check. She explained that although all the cake ideas sounded amazing, they still lacked the wow factor and the "pizzaz" that Josh was representative of. Host Christina Tosi informed the squad about the same, following which each of them thought of a way to elevate their cakes.
Check out what was the end result of the Bake Squad cakes for Josh's Bar Mitzvah.
- Ashley Holt - Black and white surprise seven-tier cake (chocolate and vanilla cake reimagined in each tier). The cake also had a cannon inside so it burst with sprinkles.
- Christophe Rull - Centerpiece De Resistance, the handle was made out of sugar and also had the baker's version of smores at the bottom. The balloon on top of the handle was made of chocolate.
- Maya-Camille - Refueling car station with churros, donuts, candies, a cake tire, and a chocolate milk bar to wash it all down.
- Gonzo Jimenez - The Rocket Launch cake with over 130 pounds of chocolate and smoke for the wow factor, with clouds made of chocolate mousse and ganache.
It was an extremely difficult decision for Jennifer but ultimately she chose to go with Bake Squad member Maya-Camille's refueling station as she felt it best represented Josh and his Bar Mitzvah.
Season 2 of Bake Squad saw the popular bakers come up with interesting ideas and life-size cake replicas of items coordinating with celebratory occasions, including anniversaries, weddings, and pregnancy celebrations, among many others. The eight-part series is a must-watch for all dessert lovers as it promises to leave viewers craving more.
All episodes of Bake Squad are currently premiering on Netflix.