The upcoming black comedy series, Based on a True Story, will premiere on Peacock on Thursday, June 8, 2023. The show centers around a couple who decide to exploit mainstream American viewers' bizarre obsession with true crime stories in order to improve their financial situation at home. The official synopsis of the show, according to Peacock's YouTube channel, states:
''A dark comedic thriller, BASED ON A TRUE STORY is about a realtor, a former tennis star and a plumber who seize a unique opportunity to capitalize on America’s obsession with true crime.''
The eight-episode series, created by Craig Rosenberg, features acclaimed actress Kaley Cuoco in the lead role, along with many others who are part of the supporting cast.
Based on a True Story cast list: Who stars in Peacock's black comedy series?
1) Kaley Cuoco as Ava Bartlett
Kaley Cuoco stars as Ava Bartlett in Peacock's Based on a True Story. Ava is an intelligent and charming woman who decides to start a podcast based on a killer who's been in the news. She tells her husband that she knows the killer, following which, they begin the new project.
As is evident from the trailer, Cuoco perfectly embodies her character's dynamic and funny nature with astonishing ease, and viewers can expect her to deliver a fine performance in the show. Fans of the actress may know Cuoco from popular shows like The Big Bang Theory, Growing Up Brady, Authors Anonymous, and many more.
2) Chris Messina as Nathan Bartlett
Chris Messina portrays the character of Nathan Bartlett in the new Peacock comedy series. Nathan is Ava's husband who teams up with her for the podcast about the killer. The couple are struggling to make ends meet, so when Ava comes up with the new business idea, Nathan agrees to get onboard. However, things soon take a shocking turn for the duo.
Messina looks like the perfect choice for the role in the trailer, and his chemistry with Kaley Cuoco is one of the defining elements of the show. He's previously appeared in The Mindy Project, Celeste and Jesse Forever, Sharp Objects, and many more.
3) Tom Bateman as Matt Pierce
Tom Bateman essays the role of Matt Pierce in Based on a True Story. Apart from that, more details regarding his character are currently being kept under tight wraps, but fans can look forward to him playing a crucial role in the show. His other acting credits include Murder on the Orient Express, Death on the Nile, and Cold Pursuit, among many more.
Apart from the above-mentioned actors, the show also stars many others in important supporting/minor roles like:
- Liana Liberato as Tory Thompson
- Natalia Dyer as Chloe Lake
- Priscilla Quintana as Ruby Gale
- Belmont Cameli as Mason
- Miles Mussenden as Detective Quincy Burrell
- Lizze Broadway as Dahlia Stone
The official trailer for Based on a True Story clearly establishes the crux of the story without giving away any major spoilers that could potentially ruin the viewing experience for fans. It blends elements of murder myster, thriller, and black comedy.
Don't forget to catch Based on a True Story on Peacock on Thursday, June 8, 2023.