Bella Thorne just joined OnlyFans and shook things up for its multitude of users. For the curious, her full name is Annabella Avery Thorne. She's an American actor, singer, director, and model. She found popularity due to her role in the hit Disney Channel TV series Shake it Up, and has since appeared in various movies.
A few days ago, she joined the content subscription platform, and apparently managed to single-handedly influence the website’s terms of service.
Things blew up when she announced last week that she had managed to earn around $2 million dollars within her first week on OnlyFans. However, things were not as simple as they sound.

OnlyFans found that many people who were subscribing and paying money to unlock her content were actually charging their payments back. As it turned out, quite a few of purchases were made from credit cards. This lead to the company changing its rules altogether.
Bella Throne 'ruins' OnlyFans for other sex workers
Mutahar Anas, whose YouTube account SomeOrdinaryGamers has 2.14 million subscribers, explained in a video that many of Bella Thorne’s fans who had paid for "nude photographs" ended up receiving photos that were not completely nude. This was an important factor that lead to the chargebacks.
Later, OnlyFans announced that it was bringing down its PPV limit from $200 to $50. Further, no user can tip more than $100 now, while waiting time for payments has been increased from 7 days to 30.
As you can see above, other content creators on OnlyFans were not impressed.

In the aftermath of the controversy, Thorne took to Twitter to explain her side of the matter. In a rather long thread spanning five tweets, she explained that she was only working to remove the stigma associated with sex workers. She claimed that she has herself felt affected by said stigma in the past, and now that she has a platform, voice., and popular support, she wants to work towards removing it from sex work for others.

While her intentions might have been honest as she claims, the result of her actions ended up backfiring. Although OnlyFans have confirmed that they did not change their rules due to a "single user," the company's timing suggests otherwise. You can watch the video below to get more information.