In Below Deck season 11 episode 2, which aired on February 12, 2024, tensions escalated between two new stewardesses aboard the luxury yacht St. David. This episode was titled Pier Pressure. In the episode, Barbie Pascual, an experienced yacht worker with a side business in event decor, clashed with fellow stewardess Cat Baugh, who brought her own experience along with a love of the outdoors to the job.
The contrast between these two crew members became a focal point of drama this season, impacting not just their own working dynamic but that of the entire St. David team as well. The friction played out on screen, allowing viewers to witness the unfolding interpersonal conflicts faced while working aboard the serene Caribbean waters.
Barbie and Cat's beef rocks the boat on Below Deck
Tension was evident between Barbie and Cat from their initial interactions on the Below Deck season 11. Barbie brought extensive previous experience working on luxury yachts similar to the demanding St. David. In contrast, Cat's background, while including a range of yachting jobs, did not prepare her for the high expectations of this vessel. Their different professional backgrounds set the stage for conflict.
Early in the charter season, work-related disagreements further strained the relationship between the two stewardesses. One notable incident involved an unsatisfactory breakfast service, followed later by divergent approaches to preparing guest rooms.
These events highlighted Barbie and Cat's differing work styles and communication, feeding their escalating discord. Their feud continued to unfold on camera throughout the Below Deck season 11 episode 2.
Barbie believed that the high standards of service on the St. David necessitated a certain pace and level of efficiency, which she felt Cat was not meeting. Her frustration stemmed from a concern that the quality of service to the guests was being compromised on Below Deck.
Barbie's attempts to address these issues were direct; she believed in providing clear and immediate feedback to improve the situation. However, her approach led to further tension between her and Cat.
Barbie's decision to bring her concerns to Fraser Olender, the chief steward, reflected her commitment to maintaining the yacht's service standards, but also marked a significant escalation in their conflict.
On the other side, Cat felt overwhelmed by the expectations placed upon her in the fast-paced environment of the St. David. She perceived Barbie's direct feedback not as constructive criticism but as personal attacks, which affected her confidence and performance.
Cat's struggle to adapt to the yacht's demanding environment was compounded by her feeling of isolation due to the conflict with Barbie. Seeking support, Cat expressed her frustrations to other Below Deck crew members, hoping to find understanding and assistance in navigating the challenging work environment.
As Barbie and Cat's feud intensified, the yacht's leadership recognized the need to intervene. Both Captain Titheradge and Chief Steward Fraser Olendar observed the conflict's negative impact on crew morale and guest service quality.
To mediate, Fraser facilitated meetings to address the situation head-on. His approach involved initial one-on-one discussions with each stewardess to fully understand their perspectives and air grievances. By identifying the disagreement's root causes, Fraser aimed to chart a path forward in Below Deck season 11. Following these private meetings, he arranged a joint session with Barbie and Cat together.
In an effort to ease tensions, job responsibilities were adjusted so Barbie and Cat could work more independently. This reduced direct interactions and friction points between them. Though not an immediate resolution, these changes initiated a gradual improvement in the working relationship of the feuding stewardesses.
Final thoughts
As the Below Deck season 11 continues, the experiences of Barbie, Cat, and the entire yacht crew, shed light on the complex demands of luxury yacht work. Operating in these exclusive settings requires not just professional skill, but also the ability to manage intricate interpersonal relationships with colleagues.