Destiny 2 saw a range of new weapons being released with the new expansion pack, and these are the best of the lot.
Given the new meta for the Season of the Hunt, the best PvE weapons in Destiny 2 have changed a bit. It's really difficult to understand which weapon to use where, given the fact that there are so many weapons that the game has to offer. Looking at other guardians and what they're using doesn't really solve the problem either.
Which weapons to use for PvE in Destiny 2
Players need to understand that the new season is still fresh because it has just released. Any rankings which the weapons in this list have, will be slightly garbled, as most guardians are pushing ranks at the moment. This will ease out as the season progresses, but there likely won't be too much of a change in the list.
Information for this article comes from the Charlemagne discord bot, which is a tracker of sorts for Destiny 2. It also covers the PvE experience this author had while playing Destiny 2.

Pulse Rifles

This exotic pulse rifle is probably one of the best kinetic pulse rifles around. With the catalyst equipped, the weapon is ideal when it comes to gunning down hoards of enemies in Destiny 2.
Players who haven't acquired the weapon yet can use Stars in the Shadow instead. It's got an interesting perk pool and drops from Crucible only.
Hand Cannons

There aren't many legendary hand guns as good as Dire Promise, especially with the god rolls it has. Players can use this seamlessly in PvE and PvP too without any worry.
The Old Fashioned does form a good alternative to this weapon but doesn't really come close to Dire Promise. The only weapon exceeding the Dire Promise in capability is the Sun Shot, which is a very underrated gun in Destiny 2.
The Monte Carlo is the best choice in this regard because it can easily be combined with Stasis aspects. So, freezing and killing opponents is no big deal.
Other than that, the SUROS Regime or Gnawing Hunger prove to be amazing alternatives to this weapon. The SUROS Regime is useful in PvP though.

Choosing between the IKELOS and the Death Adder is really difficult when it comes to selecting an SMG in Destiny 2. The Riskrunner is also a wonderful alternative, provided it has it's catalyst.
The Lost Lament is probably the best sword in the game right now, with the Falling Guillotine in close second. Both these weapons are supremely power. Here's how players can acquire the Lost Lament in Destiny 2.

Grenade Launchers

Anarchy is probably the only grenade launcher in Destiny 2 which can deal more passive damage than any other weapon, even more than the Witherhoard. It can be used extensively in strikes, and it can clear areas without too much effort.
It's not that big a surprise that rocket launchers are missing from this list. They aren't that great when it comes to DPS in a PvE setting. They're outgunned by almost every weapon type on this list.