22-year-old Bharti Shahani, who attended the tragic Astroworld concert, unfortunately, passed away after being critically injured in the stampede. The Indian-origin college student had attended the concert along with her sister and her cousin. Her death was confirmed by the family’s lawyer on Thursday, bringing the concert’s death toll to nine.
Bharti Shahani was set to graduate from A&M University, Texas, this spring. She died on Wednesday night but was declared brain dead by doctors priorly.
Those who unfortunately died during Travis Scott’s concert were aged between 14 to 27. Amongst the many injured concertgoers, a nine-year-old boy remains in a medically injured coma as well.
Bharti Shahani’s family responds to the tragedy
Bharti Shahani is the ninth person to have died from the horrifying stampede. Her mother, Karishma Shahani, described her daughter as a selfless and hard-working person who would always put others first.
During a press conference, Bharti Shahani’s father Bhagu 'Sunny' Shahani revealed:
“She was like an angel to us. She was the head of the family; she was a very nice girl. Always calm, always listened. She had a bright future. Only thing I’ll request, to the Houstonians, to please, please make sure that she gets justice. And I don’t want somebody else’s daughter to go like this.”
Namrata Shahani, who attended the concert along with Bharti Shahani, revealed that her sister’s last words to her were: “Are you OK?”
Bharti Shahani reportedly showed no signs of brain activity and was placed on a ventilator after being caught in the middle of the Astroworld mayhem.
Her cousin Mohit Bellani, who also attended the event, revealed that she suffered multiple heart attacks.
“I think she lost oxygen for 10 minutes one time and seven minutes at another time. So her brain stem was swollen to like 90 percent almost.”
The three concertgoers lost each other along with their phones as soon as the crowd surge began. Namrata Shahani revealed that the three were only reunited in the ER.
While describing the concert as a “nightmare” and a “catastrophe,” Bellani blamed the show’s organizers. He added:
“The word that should be used is atrocity; this was an act of pure brutality. If the producers, the venue, the organizers, and Live Nation had done their job, if they had hired properly vetted security and trained medics, if they hadn’t grossly oversold the event and then let hundreds, maybe thousands of people sneak in, if they hadn’t packed us in on all three sides… they suffocated us. They did this to Bharti.”
Namrata Shahani created a GoFundMe page to cover “the mounting expenses” the family endured when Bharti Shahani was admitted to the ICU. At the time of writing this article, the fundraising campaign had raised $76,841.