Aired on September 10 on the CBS network, Big Brother season 25 episode 17 saw Cameron Hardin becoming the new Head of Household after the eviction of his ally, Red Utley. His win wasn't met with enthusiasm by other houseguests, adding more tension to the show.
Initially, Cameron planned to nominate Jag and Blue for eviction. However, he shifted gears and nominated Felicia and Izzy instead. This decision was unexpected and left many questioning his strategy. Additionally, Bowie confronted Felicia, Izzy, and Cirie about excluding her from a vote, and Felicia's attempt to form an alliance with Jared failed when Jared informed Cirie.
The episode was filled with strategic moves, some successful and others not so much, setting the stage for an unpredictable Big Brother season 25 week ahead.
Big Brother season 25 seems to be Cameron's era
Cameron Hardin's victory as the new Head of Household in Big Brother season 25 was met with a lukewarm response from the house. His emotional state was far from celebratory. He was "beyond pissed" that his closest ally, Red Utley, had been sent packing.
Cameron's initial plan was to target Jag and Blue for eviction. He even went as far as to say he wanted to "burn this sucker to the ground," signaling a week of high tension and potential drama.
However, in a move that left everyone scratching their heads, Cameron chose to nominate Felicia and Izzy for eviction instead. This was a significant departure from his original plan to target Jag and Blue. The nomination ceremony had its own twist – a pie-smashing ritual for those who were safe.
Cameron justified his nominations by stating that Felicia and Izzy had been having a "pretty comfortable ride" so far in the Big Brother season 25.
Bowie, who had been under the impression that she was part of a solid alliance with Felicia, Izzy, and Cirie, was left out of a critical voting decision. This exclusion was a calculated move by the trio, raising questions about the strength and loyalty within their alliance. Bowie confronted them, demanding an explanation, but the responses were vague, further eroding trust among these houseguests.
Felicia, on the other hand, sought to strengthen her position in the game by forming a final two alliance with Jared. She approached him discreetly, outlining why such an alliance would be beneficial for both. However, Jared had other plans.
Almost immediately after their conversation, he went to Cirie to disclose everything Felicia had said. This act revealed Jared's willingness to switch loyalties for his benefit in Big Brother season 25.
The show was far from quiet during the late-night hours, especially between Cameron and Jared. Both were seen in deep conversation in the storage room, away from the prying eyes of other houseguests.
They discussed various scenarios concerning the use of the Veto, weighing the pros and cons of each. Cameron seemed to be considering using the Veto as a bargaining chip in future deals, while Jared appeared to be gathering information, possibly to use against Cameron later.
Final words
The latest episode of Big Brother Season 25 has been a study in unpredictability, with a new Head of Household, unexpected nominations, and shifting alliances. Cameron's decisions have left many questioning his strategy, while the actions of Felicia, Bowie, and Blue have shown that alliances can be both fragile and fleeting.