In the highly anticipated post-apocalyptic dramedy Biosphere, which is set to be released on July 7, things are looking dire for Mark Duplass and Sterling K. Brown as they take on the roles of best friends and the last surviving men on Earth, Billy and Ray, respectively.
Living inside a biosphere designed by Ray after the planet becomes uninhabitable, their days consist of video games, tending to their garden and pond, and simply surviving. However, their peaceful existence is threatened when their fish, which they've been raising, start to rapidly die off, signaling a potential disaster.
Biosphere trailer, cast, and plot details
The movie's trailer opens with a glimpse of the high-tech gadgetry that sustains life within the biosphere, while Billy (Duplass) contemplates the unexplainable realities of the world. Ray (Brown), on the other hand, seeks comfort in the creature comforts that keep them grounded.
As they try to maintain a sense of normalcy and camaraderie, their lives take an unexpected turn when one of the remaining fish falls ill. While Billy spirals into panic, Ray uses his scientific mind to find a solution, but the sealed pond presents challenges.
The future remains uncertain as Billy notices changes outside the sphere, and Ray relentlessly searches for answers. Amidst the uncertainty, their friendship becomes a beacon of hope in their darkest hour.
Beyond the screen, both Mark Duplass and Sterling K. Brown have exciting projects on the horizon. Mark is gearing up for season 3 of The Morning Show, where he plays executive producer Charlie "Chip" Black. The show's early renewal for a fourth season further cements its success. On the other hand, Sterling K. Brown is set to star in Netflix's sci-fi epic film Atlas, alongside Jennifer Lopez and Simu Liu.
The movie promises to be an engaging and thought-provoking cinematic experience. Its intriguing premise, brought to life by the talents of Duplass, Brown, and Eslyn, explores themes of survival, resilience, and the potential for change.
The team behind Biosphere share an acclaimed history
The movie marks the feature directorial debut of Mel Eslyn, a veteran producer who surprised the film festival circuit when she presented the project at the Toronto International Film Festival. The dynamic duo of Duplass and Brown, both Primetime Emmy winners, garnered praise and accolades, making the film a hit among critics and audiences alike.
Their chemistry on-screen, combined with the thought-provoking storyline, promises to captivate viewers from start to finish. Eslyn and Duplass have a history of collaboration, as she is the president of Duplass Brothers Productions, the banner owned by Mark and Jay Duplass.
Her previous work on the brothers' anthology series Room 104, where she served as a writer and director, showcased her talents and creativity. More recently, they worked together on Somebody, Somewhere, which has been well-received and is currently airing its second season.
North American distribution rights for the movie were secured by IFC Films in November 2022, further fueling the excitement surrounding the movie. The acquisition by IFC Films demonstrates their commitment to bringing this unique and captivating story to audiences.
Audiences can expect an immersive and thought-provoking experience as they join Ray and Billy on their journey through this comedy-drama. Biosphere invites contemplation on the essence of humanity and the resilience of the human spirit.
As the release date for Biosphere approaches on July 7, anticipation mounts, and viewers eagerly await the opportunity to be transported into this intriguing world where hope and survival intertwine.