The hit drama series Blue Bloods premiered season 14 on CBS on Friday, February 16. This installment is set to be the final season of the long-running show. The crime procedural series follows the Reagan family led by the patriarch Frank Regan (Tom Selleck). The entire family is affiliated with law enforcement agencies as they tirelessly work to keep New York City safe.
As per CBS, the synopsis of season 14 episode 1 of Blue Bloods, titled Loyalty reads:
"Jamie goes under cover with a deadly human trafficking ring; Danny and Baez investigate a homicide connected to Darryl Reid, Danny's old partner; Frank grapples with whether to publicly support Mayor Chase on a policy decision."
The season premiere sees Jamie (Will Estes) on an undercover mission while Frank deals with a political favor called in by the Mayor.
Frank deals with a troublesome decision while Jamie goes undercover in a smuggling ring in Blue Bloods season 14 episode 1
In the opening episode of Blue Bloods season 14, Frank, Jamie, and Danny deal with different kinds of challenges at work.
The episode begins with a group of human traffickers lining up several women and putting bags over their heads. Among them is Jamie, who is on an undercover mission to bust the trafficking ring. In a heated spat with one of the traffickers, Jamie almost compromises his cover. However, he soon arrests a trafficker after framing him as a snitch.
The ringleader then determines that burning the women alive is the only way to kill them, but Jamie convinces him otherwise. At the end of the episode, Jamie suddenly returns home for family dinner after his three-week absence but needs to go back into hiding soon.
The show portrays an ethical dilemma in Blue Bloods season 14 episode 1 as Frank receives a call from Mayor Peter Chase (Dylan Walsh), who asks him to suspend the shelter laws for the immigrants in the city. The mayor argues that sheltering refugees is draining the city's funds and suggests that Frank suspend the law, falsely stating that the immigrants are causing a rise in crime.
While Frank initially opposes the mayor's views, he later amends the law to favor Chase. Frank understands that illegal immigration will indeed hurt the city's budget and decides to endorse the mayor's decision in public, albeit with a few changes.
The episode also sees Baez (Marisa Ramirez) and Danny (Donnie Wahlberg) work on a domestic abuse case while Eddie (Vanessa Rae) deals with a shoplifting incident.
Staying true to the Reagan family tradition, the episode ends with Jamie getting back to his family for Sunday dinner. Although he faced several issues while being undercover for three weeks, the family celebrates his return. Jamie then takes over the practice of saying grace before dinner, which is a touching scenario that demonstrates how strong and resilient the family is in the face of adversity.
Season 14 episode 2 of Blue Bloods is scheduled to air on CBS on February 23, 2024.