Below Deck Adventure Season 1 aired its finale episode on Tuesday, January 31, 2023, at 9 pm ET on Bravo. The one-hour installment featured cast members managing their charter guests and reporting to their heads and the Captain. Meanwhile, they were also involved in serious conversations, conflicts, and arguments, creating a lot of drama and keeping viewers hooked throughout the episode.
On this week's run of Below Deck Adventure, Seth asked Lewis to pass him the Bosun title. While the latter was surprised at why the Lead Deckhand would want it by the end of the season, he agreed to pass the "Bosun torch" to Seth. Fans laughed at Seth for wanting the title, and one tweeted:
The latest Below Deck spin-off has been extremely popular amongst the audience. Viewers have followed the cast members' journeys closely on social media, and while some of the crew have earned their titles as fan favorites, others have been severely criticized for their behavior on the show.
Fans slam Seth for wanting the Bosun title from Lewis on Below Deck Adventure
Fans took to social media to address their issues with Seth asking Lewis for the Bosun title. Check out what they had to say:
A look into Seth Jacobson's journey on Below Deck Adventure
Tonight's episode of Below Deck Adventure began with the cast members preparing for the final two days of their last charter. The crew wanted to ensure that they ended the season with a bang and served their guests to the best of their abilities. As the new installment came to an end after a successful run, it had all the emotions, laughter, romance, and drama packed together.
Seth Jacobson joined the crew halfway into the season as a replacement for former deckhand Kyle Dickard, who was fired. Initially, crew members as well as viewers warmed up to him and expressed their excitement on social media. Seth, however, addressed issues with Bosun Lewis' leadership as he felt he wasn't properly given an orientation and sent messages over personal communication.
This led to Seth raising his concerns with the management to Below Deck Adventure's Captain Kerry. He also wanted the latter to make him the head of the team instead of Lewis. Kerry instantly refused and asked the new deckhand to first do the job he was assigned to do before giving any form of promotion.
After Seth stepped up his duties, Captain Kerry felt it was only fair to credit him for the work, and promoted him to the Lead Deckhand position. After entering the new role, Seth addressed his issues with boat management and expressed to Lewis that his style of running the boat would be different. After stating the same to Mike and Nathan, the fellow deckhands didn't vibe with the new lead.
Later on Below Deck Adventure, he was caught resting in the crew mess by Kasie, who clicked his picture and sent it to Lewis. The Bosun later confronted Seth on the same, which didn't sit well with the latter. On this week's episode, he slammed Kasie over her behavior, while the stew called him arrogant.
While bidding his farewell, Seth asked Lewis to pass the Bosun torch to him. The latter was taken aback with such a request at the end of the season but agreed to the same.
Season 1 of Below Deck Adventure was an interesting watch for viewers. As the crew members finally bid goodbye to Superyacht Mercury, they got on with their personal and professional commitments.
While there has been no news about a reunion episode, viewers will have to wait for further updates about the Bravo show.