While the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) has stood as a titan in the realm of cinematic storytelling, the turbulence surrounding The Marvels signals disconcerting times for this much-hyped sequel. The journey into the heart of this storm begins with the evident struggles faced by the production team, which has led to multiple release date delays and sent ripples of doubt across the fandom.
Initially slated for a 2022 summer release, the movie was moved to November 11, 2022, then February 17, 2023, and then July 28, 2023. It's now scheduled to be released on November 10, 2023, in the US. Let's explore the reasons for the delays, reshoots, and why the film might turn out to be a dud.
Reasons why The Marvels might be a box-office failure
The Brie Larson situation
Amid the MCU's cinematic tempest stands Oscar-winning actress, Brie Larson, who portrays Captain Marvel in The Marvels. Former The Wrap reporter Jeff Sneider had claimed that Larson was a "nightmare" to work with on set, and was also allegedly unhappy with the movie's title.
Unlike her fellow superheroes such as Iron Man, Captain America, and Thor, Larson took exception to The Marvels as the sequel's title instead of Captain Marvel 2. Sneider, on The Hot Mic podcast, had also stated that she wasn't on the best of terms with co-star Teyonah Parris, who has taken on the role of Monica Rambeau.
A familiar path?
The Marvels' potential failure could pose a significant challenge, as Marvel Head Kevin Feige doesn't have the luxury of two Avengers movies to salvage the situation this time around. The future of the MCU hangs in the balance, and it remains to be seen if a course correction will be swift and effective.
The Marvels' inclusion of Iman Vellani's Kamala Khan, a.k.a. Ms. Marvel, who plays a key part, is yet another intriguing aspect of the story. Due to her recent entry into the MCU, her presence has caused a little controversy. Given Kamala's inexperience in the superhero world, fans contend that her involvement in a great cosmic space story is a stretch.
What may be the final nail in the coffin for The Marvels is the alleged issue with the film's third act. Sources indicate that reshoots to amend the third act, along with removing goofier elements, is a direct response to the disappointing performance of Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania.
The silver lining?
In a universe that's rapidly changing and evolving, the MCU's reliance on quirkiness threatens the integrity of its storytelling. This dilemma is not isolated to The Marvels. With each new project, the hope for a return to the brilliance of earlier phases wanes.
This has become a recurring theme as Marvel ventures further into Phase 4 and beyond. The MCU's Phase 4 has struggled to recapture the magic that once defined the franchise, leaving a trail of underwhelming narratives and subpar content.
This cloud of discontent may have a silver lining despite the instability on the sets and among MCU fans. This tension and conflict may encourage a more deliberate technique of storytelling that emphasizes quality over quantity.
Something must change within the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The formula that once enthralled fans must be recalibrated, or the MCU risks eroding the faith of its dedicated following. For Kevin Feige and the MCU, the road ahead is anything but certain.
The Marvels will premiere in the US on November 10, 2023.