Bright: Samurai Soul is an animated spin-off of Netflix's original action movie Bright. The movie explores the world of Bright as it is set in the past where two strong forces go to war to capture a magic wand that holds the ability to either bring light to the world or smother it in darkness. Years later, the light and dark forces engage again to get hold of the magic wand, only this time they hunt down elves.
Directed by Kyōhei Ishiguro and written by Michiko Yokote, the story revolves around Rōnin samurai Izou, an orc Raiden, and a young elf Sonya who find themselves in the middle of the deadly war.
'Bright: Samurai Soul': Takeaway from the anime film
Bright: Samurai Soul is a softer, more melancholy fantasy world, yet it focuses largely on powerful men abusing and murdering the less powerful. From forcing women into service in brothels to murdering anyone at whim, there is no shortage of injustice in the world of the movie.
The goal of the film was to combine the liveliness of the animation with moving textures. This sets the theme which further explores the concepts of corruption and dominance, along with other elements of the society like using magic to regain some control, all of which carry forward from the original movie Bright. The film also adopts a positive outlook on life, throwing light on the silver lining for humans who hold the ability to carve a brighter future for themselves without the need of magic.
Despite the theme and story connections between both the films, Bright: Samurai Soul isn’t exactly a remake, and wasn’t really designed around the lessons learned from the first Bright.
The official synopsis of Bright: Samurai Soul reads:
"In the time between the fall of the Shogunate and the rise of the Meiji era, a powerful bright light emitted from a wand brings an end to the long Shogunate period to avoid further bloodshed as Japan begins to shift toward a new era. Amid these circumstances, Izou and Raiden go on a journey along the Tokaido road to bring her and the wand she holds safely to the land of the elves in the north while protecting the powers of the wand."
Bright: Samurai Soul is now streaming on Netflix.