Popular reality series Summer House season 7 aired the first part of its reunion episode on Monday, May 29, 2023, at 9 pm ET on Bravo. It documented the cast members reflecting on the season as well as rehashing their impending issues that transpired the past couple of months. While some were able to talk it out, others only took a turn for the worse as it lead to more drama.
On this week's episode of Summer House, Paige made several accusations against Lindsay and Carl. She claimed that the couple gave information to bloggers and also spun their stories to news sources. This led to a lot of heated arguments.
Fans, however, slammed Paige for her accusations as they demanded receipts for all of it. They felt it was unfair of the cast member to throw allegations without any evidence to prove them. One tweeted:
Paige makes accusations towards Lindsay and Carl on Summer House reunion
Tonight's episode of Summer House saw the cast members talking about the issues that transpired throughout the course of the season. The friends navigated their impending issues, while also making several accusations towards their fellow castmates that led to a lot of drama.
The official synopsis of the episode, titled Reunion - Part 1, reads:
"Lindsay and Carl defend their relationship against behind-the-scenes allegations; Paige makes a shocking revelation about her friendship with Lindsay; an old wound causes drama between Kyle and Carl."
The Summer House reunion saw Paige making several accusations towards Lindsay and Carl. She accused the couple of giving media sources information about how her boyfriend Craig was kicked out of Kyle and Amanda's wedding. When the duo declined that they provided anything to the bloggers, Paige claimed that she knew it was them.
When Andy asked if she'd heard from the bloggers, Paige expressed that the couple sent messages to bloggers all the time and indicated that the sources have revealed the same to her. Later on in the episode, she noted that Lindsay and Carl's actions throughout the seasons have been pre-meditated.
The Summer House star revealed that four hours after the couple got engaged, PEOPLE's magazine came out with an article about it. Andy, however, expressed that it doesn't account for the accusation. Paige further expressed that Lindsay and Carl spun every story to the press.
Later on in the reunion episode, Paige was confronted about how she started the summer having a "clean slate" with Lindsay, but later claimed how she was satisfied with Danielle standing her ground amidst her fallout with Lindsay.
Paige expressed that Lindsay had been confronting her since she joined the show and the only person cordial with her was Amanda. The Summer House star claimed this was the reason she could relate to the other cast members, including Danielle crying about their issues with the publicist.
Lindsay was even accused of allegedly throwing a shoe at a producer. Paige claimed that Andy had to scream at Lindsay during BravoCon 2022 for the way she allegedly spoke to his employees. Lindsay was even accused of speaking badly to the fans.
Summer House fans demand receipts from Paige over her accusations
Fans took to social media to express their opinions on Paige's accusations about Lindsay and Carl. They slammed her for throwing the allegations without bringing any receipts to the reunion. Check it out.
Fans were quick to demand receipts from Paige. Check it out.
Season 7 of Summer House packed a lot of drama, arguments, and conflicts throughout the course of its installment. There is only more to come as the cast rehashes their issues and tries to resolve them. Will they be successful in doing so or will some relationships be fractured forever? Only time will tell.
Don't forget to tune in to the second part of the reunion episode on Monday, June 5, 2023, at 9 pm ET on Bravo.