Bryce hall is sick and tired of fans flying drones to his house to watch him.
Flying drones to anyone's house to spy on them is weird and invasive. Having it done multiple times to anyone is incredibly disrespectful.
Bryce Hall has to deal with users spying on him through the use of drones. He has now tweeted twice asking people to stop invading his privacy. The first time is a passive-aggressive tweet, aimed to stop anyone from trying. The second is a far more aggressive tweet that makes it clear that it happens often.
It is hard to imagine why anyone would feel the need to spy on someone with a drone. People are aware that stalkers exist, but this gives fans an understanding as to how far stalkers can go. It would be a scary situation for anyone if a drone was watching them in their own home.
Related: Bryce Hall gets ratioed by Dream, Quackity and others, as "Bruce Hall" trends on Twitter
Bryce Hall's posts are flooded with creepy users asking him for follows and making borderline threats
It seemed strange that someone would care so little about his feelings to spy on Bryce Hall with a drone. It's sad that those who claim to be his fans care so little about his situation, that they beg him for a follow in his post requesting privacy.
A decade ago, a celebrity would find creepy messages from fans through their mail; now, it's a lot easier to try and get attention from them. The creepy messages were once private to that celebrity, but thanks to Twitter, this is viewed by everyone.
Bryce Hall has to deal with a lot of people trying to get into his life in any which way they can.
Bryce Hall's tweet and the replies in it are a harsh reminder that fame is not as easy or safe as it seems.
Related: 'Unnecessary, marketing move': TikTok star Bryce Hall under fire for comments on Ariana Grande