BTS and South Korean Producing Director Na Young Suk recently collaborated for their variety shows, "Run BTS!" and "The Game Caterers," during which Na PD arranged various games for the members of BTS to take part in. One such game involved members of BTS guessing the names of celebrities based on a photo - a game that grew popular on Na PD's "New Journey To The West."
Viewers of "New Journey To The West" will be familiar with the hilarious fails the game results in. "Run BTS!" viewers witnessed this first-hand when V, aka Kim Taehyung, failed to identify Robert Downey Jr., and J-Hope, aka Jung Ho Seok, failed to identify American talk show host and comedian, Conan O'Brien.
J-Hope's failure was unexpectedly funny because he referred to Conan as "Curtain," leading to disappointed exclamations from both Jin and Jimin, who berated the BTS rapper for not knowing the host's name.
Of course, Conan himself reacted to J-Hope's fail, talking during a segment on his TBS talk show of the same name.
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How did Conan O'Brien react to BTS calling him Curtain?
Conan recently announced that his long-running show of the same name on TBS would be coming to an end, with the last episode scheduled to air on June 24th. The talk show, which ran for 11 years, will come to an end as Conan moves to HBO Max for a weekly variety show.
Speaking about J-Hope's recent fail, Conan said:
He said I was a curtain. I've been to Korea. I've been there. I was popular. Curtain!
Conan also hilariously claimed he would get back at BTS, before saying there was nothing he could do against the global pop phenomenon. He joked:
I'll get you BTS. Oh I'll get you. And by that I mean I'll silently resent you. I have no power to do anything to do to you. You're going to go on to have huge success. I'm very old and on the way out and you guys are pretty much running the world.
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How did fans react to Conan's reaction?
ARMY took Conan's reaction to J-Hope's fail in their stride, joking that perhaps the members of BTS would know him better if he invited them to his show.
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Some BTS fans realized that J-Hope probably mistook Conan for James Corden, the host of "The Late Late Show" on CBS.
Fans agreed, however, that Conan's reaction was hilarious.