BTS' V, also known as Kim Tae-Hyung, is notorious for deleting his posts on all social media platforms. He has previously deleted various shirtless pictures from Weverse and snippets of his unreleased songs from Twitter.
Instagram did not fare any different. His Instagram id is @thv and he currently has around 37.5 million followers.
Although new to Instagram, V quickly learned the ropes despite a few scares here and there. He now had a platform where he could post and delete pictures, to his heart's desire. Due to this, he only has 38 posts as of now, which were lucky enough not to get deleted.
Serial deleter BTS' V: 10 Instagram posts and stories that have vanished from his feed
1) Travel song
V uploaded a video of him driving down the streets of Hawaii while jamming to an unreleased song from his mixtape. Sadly, just like this Instagram story, the song has also been deleted from his future mixtape.
2) Ho Ho Ho
V had uploaded to his Instagram story a video of himself lying shirtless in bed while playing with the zooming feature. He seemed very intrigued by it. However, he quickly deleted the story after giving ARMYs a heart-attack.
3) Christmas present
V uploaded this shirtless story of himself with a light stubble, late at night showing off his house where one can see a lit-up christmas tree. He even asked BTS' RM on Weverse to see his facial hair in his story on Instagram. However, he quickly deleted it as well.
4) Drinking buddies
V uploaded pictures of himself hanging out with his BTS members J-Hope, Jin, and RM. Prior to these pictures, both Jin and V were trying to convince J-Hope to go drinking with them.
The pictures confused ARMYs on whether they were sitting next to each other while commenting on social media or were they able to convince J-Hope to ditch his other plans and go with them instead.
5) Pick your filter
V uploaded videos of himself playing around with a face enlarging filter. He then went on to post another video of himself without the filter blessing ARMYs with his natural beauty.
6) Hawaii with J-Hope
V uploaded various stories on his Instagram of his trip to Hawaii. He even included a picture of himself in the pool with BTS member J-Hope. No one knows why he deleted those pictures later on.
7) V and Park Hyoshin
V was seen hanging out with Park Hyo-Shin, a soulful ballad singer from Korea, someone whose music V greatly loves. He even once posted on his Instagram story about wanting an album from him. These stories were also deleted with swiftness.
8) Boyfriend picture
V uploaded the same picture to his Instagram feed as the one from Weverse. BTS' Jin upon seeing this picture on Instagram commented "boyfriend material photo" under it. This resulted in hilarious bickering between the two, which resulted in V deleting the post off his feed.
9) Tan and V
Cute pictures of V and Yeontan, his puppy, were uploaded by him on his Instagram story. They were lazing around together, which was an adorable sight to see. However, that sight was not there for long as he deleted the pictures.
10) Curious case of the missing replies
V was clearly very bored so he asked ARMYS to ask him something via his Instagram story. However, he soon realized he did not know where to check for those replies. Embarrassed, he laughed at the situation and promised to come back after studying more about it.
He later did a poll asking 'yes' or 'no' without asking any questions and then deleted his posts. ARMYs suspect that since the majority voted for yes, the question was probably about whether he should delete his posts.
If it weren't for quick ARMYs who immediately took screenshots of pictures and downloaded the videos, many of V's posts would've been lost forever. Nobody knows why he deletes all his posts, but thankfully, ARMYs always keep a back-up for everyone to see.