BET+'s new thriller drama film, Call Her King, will premiere on the platform on Thursday, July 6, 2023. The movie tells the story of a judge who's sentenced a criminal to death, when the criminal's brother hijacks the courthouse, causing absolute mayhem. The rest of the movie depicts how the judge tries to tackle the dangerous situation. Here's the official synopsis of the movie, as per BET+:
''Directed by Wes Miller (A Day to Die), Call Her King follows Judge Jaeda King (Naughton), who has just sentenced Sean Samuels (Mitchell) to death when the courthouse is hijacked by Samuels’ brother Gabriel, also known as Black Caesar (Gross). The Judge must then rely on her wits, strength, and skill to find a way to end the standoff, save the hostages and fight her way out.''
Call Her King stars Naturi Naughton in the lead role, along with numerous others playing significant supporting characters. The film is helmed by noted filmmaker Wes Miller.
Call Her King cast list: Who stars in BET+'s new thriller drama?
1) Naturi Naughton as Jaeda King
Naturi Naughton essays the lead role of Judge Jaeda King in BET+'s Call Her King. King is a prominent judge who's trapped in a dangerous hostage situation after she sentences a criminal to death. The film depicts how she tries to get herself out of the situation while ensuring nobody gets hurt.
Naturi Naughton looks brilliant in the film's trailer, perfectly portraying her character's brilliance, authority, and power with astonishing ease. Viewers can expect her to deliver a powerful performance in the film. Naughton's other notable acting credits include Power Book II: Ghost, Kirk Franklin's The Night Before Christmas, and Highland Park, to name a few.
2) Lance Gross as Gabriel
Lance Gross plays the role of Gabriel, aka Black Caesar, in the thriller series. Gabriel's brother Sean Samuels was sentenced to death, following which he hijacks the courthouse.
Gross looks impressive in the trailer as he dominates it with his raw charisma and screen presence. It'll be interesting to see how his character would be explored in the movie as his equation with the judge forms the crux of the story. Lance Gross is known for his appearances in Our Kind of People, When Love Kills: The Falicia Blakely Story, and Temptation: Confessions of a Marriage Counselor, among many more.
3) Jason Mitchell as Sean Samuels
Jason Mitchell plays the role of Sean Samuels in Call Her King. Sean Samuels is a convict who's been sentenced to death by Judge Jaeda King, following which, a hostage situation causes absolute mayhem in the courthouse. Apart from that, not many other details about his character are known at this point, but he's set to play an important role in the story.
Jason Mitchell has previously starred in For the Love of Money, The Mustang, Kong: Skull Island, and many more.
Apart from Naturi Naughton, Lance Gross, and Jason Mitchell, the movie also stars various others playing key supporting/minor roles:
- Johnny Messner
- Tobias Truvillion
- Garrett Hendricks
- Shiobann Amisial
Call Her King will be available to watch on BET+ on Thursday, July 6, 2023.