The Bachelorette Season 19 aired a dramatic episode on Monday, July 25, 2022 at 8 pm ET on ABC. The two-hour packed time frame fed viewers the good old drama. However, it also gave them a lot of vulnerability from the leads Gabby Windey and Rache Recchia who are on a journey to form deeper connections with the suitors.
However, those who watched this week's episode of The Bachelorette were unimpressed by the behavior of the suitors towards the women. While Hayden called Gabby "rough around the edges," Jacob chose Rachel over her and even said that he would leave if Gabby was the only bachelorette. Some suitors flat out rejected Rachel's rose at the Rose Ceremony and stated their interest in Gabby.
Fans took to Twitter to express their feelings about the suitors and called them out for their toxic behavior. One fan even tweeted, "Can we get some new men here?" they added that the new batch of men were "simply not it."
Fans react to The Bachelorette suitors' attitude towards Rachel and Gabby
For the group date on this week's episode of The Bachelorette, the suitors spent some personal time with the leads Rachel and Gabby. While Rachel had a great time, Gabby was disappointed with Hayden and James.
On her date with Hayden, he told Gabby that he didn't see a future with her due to her bubby nature. Following this, James told her that if she were the only bachelorette, he wouldn't "have the heart" to stay and would eventually leave.
Fans took to social media to express their disappointment with this season's suitors.
Fans were irritated at how the suitors were treating the women and one of them even said that the men were acting like it were a "NFL draft." Others said that the men had no right to make either of the girls feel insecure.
One fan tweeted, "Literally 90% of these men give me the ick," a sentiment that was echoed by several others who said that the casting producers "fumbled the bag" with the cast.
What transpired on The Bachelorette Season 19 Episode 3?
Gabby and Rachel, too, were fed up of the suitors' behavior and decided to change the format a little. The next morning, Jesse Palmer, the host, told the men that both the leads would start handing out separate roses and begin their individual journeys. It was time for the men to decide who they wanted to be committed to.
The cocktail party was canceled and the women began their Rose Ceremony. Although it started out really well, Termayne was the first to reject Rachel's rose claiming he had a deeper connection with Gabby. This was followed by Alec and even Meatball. That was when the two women decided to take charge of their own journey.
During the latest episode of The Bachelorette, Gabby and Rachel began their one-on-one dates. While Rachel went on a date with Zach, Gabby went to visit the men in the mansion in an effort to spend some personal time with them and to get to know them better.
However, she was met with no proper response. The Bachelorette star was skeptical of being on the show as she continued to face a lack of effort from the suitors.
Fortunately, however, Gabby's date with Erich changed the way she felt. Viewers saw her grandfather John returning and joining the couple for a day of sound therapy and bowling. As the day progressed, she became more vulnerable with her date and told him about her tumultuous relationship with her mother.
What followed was a night of high emotions, with Gabby questioning her ability to stay on The Bachelorette and finding love when she hadn't felt a mother's love. However, once again, Erich put her at ease and made her feel hopeful about her journey forward.
The Bachelorette Season 19 also hosted the biggest group date ever in the franchise's history, where the suitors had to figure out who they saw a future with. While they all opened up about their quirky personalities, a number of men stood out for their willingness reveal these quirks.
Before the Rose Ceremony, the suitors decided to impress the ladies and deepen their connection with them. While Rachel had great dates with Tino and Aven, Gabby was disappointed with her suitors and didn't give out any rose.
The rose ceremony ended with a lot of drama, and four suitors, Termayne H, Alec G, James “Meatball” C, and Jacob R were eliminated from the show. These suitors had rejected Rachel's rose and weren't chosen by Gabby, either.
However, Meatball managed to revive himself in the end by convincing Rachel to give him another chance so she could get to know him.
Tune in to an all-new episode of The Bachelorette next week on ABC.