Felix "PewDiePie" checked off one of the biggest milestones in his life when he finally completed his long-awaited relocation to Japan this May. The YouTuber, who has the most subscribers on the platform, and his wife Marzia first announced the purchase of a home in Japan in late 2019.
However, the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic sent all of their carefully curated plans awry, putting their move on pause for nearly two and a half years. Though the rest of the world began easing pandemic restrictions a while ago, the Land of the Rising Sun was unbudgingly stringent on border restrictions.
The Kjellbergs braved several wrenches, including a robbery in their Japan house, but on May 9, PewDiePie finally announced the successful completion of their move in an emotional vlog titled 'It finally happened!'
PewDiePie vlogs his immigration to Japan
PewDiePie's 14-minute vlog gave his subscribers a glimpse into the arduous and draining process of getting visa approvals and approvals to travel with their dogs. The couple didn't want to subject their two pugs to traveling through cargo since the dogs already have difficulty breathing. They didn't want to risk their pets' safety due to that reason.
The alternative option was to carry the dogs in the cabin. However, that plan was upended by the restriction that every single airline's maximum weight for dogs was eight kgs, including the weight of the pet carrier. One of their pugs, Edgar, weighs 10 kg.
PewDiePie called up "every single airline in the entire universe," but even the American ones, whose weight limit was nine kg, declared the same answer that Edgar was too overweight to be flown in the cabin.
The 32-year-old summed up the entire situation comically:
"So, we're flying private jet because my dog is too fat."
Felix's summarization had his viewers in stitches, but their struggle with transporting their dogs wasn't over yet. Bringing one's dogs to Japan is a tedious process that requires at least a year of preparation prior to the move.
Though PewDiePie had accounted for this time frame, what he didn't account for was his pugs' vaccines expiring due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The dogs got their booster doses, but a logistical error in typing the date by the lab caused complications again, which was understandably exhausting for the YouTuber. After a tiring back and forth of emails, they finally received approval for their dogs as well.
Saying goodbye to friends and family is an inevitable part and parcel of leaving the country, and PewDiePie documented the bittersweet nature of it all in the vlog. He said:
"We saw our friends and we had so much fun! Now it's kinda sad because we're leaving them and we're having so much fun. But in the next life, you know, we can bowl again. Yeah, this is a good night. We're still gonna see friends, but you know, it's part of the journey. Say goodbye. It's not always easy. We're getting there. We're getting close."
Touching down in their Japan home brought on just a bit of the waterworks for Felix as he reflected on all the hardships they had overcome to fulfill their dream:
"For so long, we doubted whether we could even make this move. And we went through all the ups and downs. Obviously it's been such a really long journey, but I just really, really appreciate everyone who was supportive of us going. It just meant a lot that people were cheering for us, you know? I just want to say thanks, I really appreciate it. It feels amazing to be here, finally. We're going to take some days to settle in but yeah, we can't for the next chapter of our lives."
The move took nearly two and a half years since PewDiePie declared his intentions, but from this emotional tear-jerker, it's evident that the Kjellberg family found it well worth the wait.