NBC's new reality show, The Courtship, aims to bring "chivalry back to love" while going all the way back to 19th-century Regency-Era England. The social experiment brings 16 suitors dueling for the lead, Nicole Remy's heart, while set in the romantic storybook times of Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice.
The Courtship aired its premiere on March 6, 2022, and fans took a liking to the concept. The idea behind an old-fashioned romance and the mix between cultural and romantic practices of that time struck a chord among fans. One fan tweeted:
Viewers were introduced to the lead, the suitors, and her trusted court: her father Claude, her mother Claire, her sister Danielle and her best friend, Tessa. They moved into a castle in the English countryside to begin her 19th-century foray into the dating world.
Fans of The Courtship are pleased with what the show has to offer
Fans liked the show as it was a "breath of fresh air" from the reality dating shows already on television. They took to social media to express their feelings.
For some fans, the show proved to be even better than ABC's The Bachelor.
The Courtship lead, Nicole Remy's journey to find love begins
Nicole Remy began the quest to find love and a potential partner on the NBC show. As she and her family settled in the castle, Mr. Edwards, the show's narrator and the lead's guide along her journey, presented her and her court with 16 letters of introduction from potential suitors.
Her suitors arrived in carriages and on horseback to the palace, where they were greeted with pomp and splendor. Nicole spent time with her suitors, six of them specifically, before choosing Daniel Bochicchio to join her in the courtyard for a one-on-one date. Fireworks complemented the sparks between the duo in the palace.
While Mr. Bochicchio was established as a frontrunner, Nicole didn’t have much time to get to know the men. This was further hastened when the host asked her to choose six men that she wanted to have a farewell dance with, out of which three would be sent home.
Nicole chose Danny Kim, Peter Saffa, Lewis Echavarria, Chandler Luxe, Caleb Ward, and Jarrett Schanzer. After dancing with each man in the traditional Regency style, she had to make the difficult choice of deciding who should stay and who should go.
In the end, Nicole bid farewell to Caleb, Lewis, and Echavarria, informing them each that their "carriage awaits" to take them back to the modern world.
A preview snippet from the second episode of The Courtship showed the suitors fighting hard to earn favor with Nicole Remy. They spend some time with the lead inside and outside of activities to form a connection and become a potential partner by the end of the show.
The Courtship airs every Sunday at 8.00 pm ET on NBC.