In a heartwarming yet poignant moment, Kara Keough, the daughter of Real Housewives of Orange County (RHOC) alum Jeana Keough, and her husband Kyle Bosworth have recently shared the joyous news of their fourth pregnancy.
The heartfelt announcement was made on Instagram on Thursday, July 27, 2023, and comes hand-in-hand with a touching tribute to their late son, McCoy, who tragically passed away six days after his birth in April 2020. As Kara prepares to welcome another child into her family, she has also confessed her reluctance on sharing the news,
"It SHOULD be a happy occasion that they're getting another sibling. For me, there's just a cautious reluctance to let the excitement fully absorb."
RHOC alum Kara Keough is welcoming her baby no. 4 in November
On Thursday, July 27, Kara Keough, shared joyous news with her followers; she and her husband Kyle Bosworth are expecting their fourth child. However, this new chapter of happiness comes with a mixture of emotions as Kara honors the memory of her late son, McCoy as she mentioned in her lengthy caption.
Recalling her last pregnancy and the heartbreak that followed, Kara Keough expressed her initial reluctance to share the news with anyone that didn't need to know. She wrote,
"I didn't share our news with anyone that didn't need to know. And when I did share, it sounded like I was telling them 'I have ulcers.' It was not a joyous celebration."
She further on explained her reluctance given her past experience,
"I wanted to keep our joy private. I stuck my head in the sand and just prayed to God that our baby would live — even though I reminded myself every day that he might not. Maybe what the all-knowing 'they' say about time is true, though. Because THIS time, we want to celebrate every second we have with this soul."
The news is particularly significant as Kara is still honoring the memory of her late son, McCoy Casey, who sadly passed away due to "shoulder dystocia and a compressed umbilical cord" six days after his birth. In an exclusive interview with Us Weekly in April 2020, shortly after McCoy's passing, Kara expressed their dedication to preserving McCoy's legacy in a positive manner.
As a mother who has experienced immense loss, finds it challenging to fully embrace the happiness of welcoming another child into her family. In the post she expressed,
"I've always clawed my way on board with Decker for her sake, and Vaughn's, and McCoy's. It SHOULD be a happy occasion that they're getting another sibling. For me, there's just a cautious reluctance to let the excitement fully absorb."
However, her kids have been a source of excitement for the upcoming baby. The bond Kara Keough shares with her 7-year-old daughter Decker Kate and 2-year-old son Vaughn Mack is quite evident as she revealed, "We told the kids the day we got the positive test." She further mentions a sweet moment with her daughter,
"Decker tells every person willing to listen that she's the oldest of four kids as she lovingly strokes my belly. The joy spills out of her; she can't wait to tell the world about Baby 'Four.'"
With a mix of fear and pride, Kara Keough has proudly announced "Baby Bosworth #4" is going to join the family in November.