CBS' upcoming 48 Hours episode, titled The Ring: The Murder of Patrick De La Cerda, delves deep into the murder of a young man named Patrick De La Cerda in Florida. Patrick was murdered by his fiancée Jessica Devnani's ex-boyfriend Gregory Bender. The episode will examine the circumstances that led to the death along with numerous other details pertaining to the case. The official synopsis of the episode on CBS News states:
''An undelivered engagement ring leads to murder. "48 Hours" correspondent Peter Van Sant reports Saturday, November 13 at 10/9c on CBS and Paramount+.''
Read further ahead to find out more details about the case ahead of Saturday's episode.
CBS' 48 Hours: Jessica Devnani's relationship with Patrick De La Cerda, engagement, and more details
According to CBS News, Jessica Devnani met Patrick De La Cerdia on a dating app called Plenty Fish in June 2017. The two reportedly got along well and as they spent more time together, they grew closer. A few months later, Patrick told his family that he'd like to get married to Jessica. He proposed to her in December 2017, which she delightfully accepted. Although he'd proposed to her with a temporary ring, Patrick had ordered a custom-made ring for her. He was expecting the ring to be delivered to his house in Deltona, Florida.
On February 27, 2018, Patrick was shot dead at his home. Jessica rushed to his house after she did not hear from him in the morning and found him dead. Per CBS News, as the police began looking into the case, Jessica told authorities about her allegedly jealous ex-boyfriend Gregory Bender, with whom she broke up after finding out that he was married to another woman named Daymara Sanchez.
According to CBS News, Devnani, who's 20 years younger than Bender, met him online in 2009. The two were involved in a relationship for 8 years until Bender's secret was exposed in a hospital, where Devnani met Sanchez, who told her she was his wife. After Jessica started dating Patrick, Bender allegedly started sending her threatening messages. One of the messages (obtained via CBS News) reads:
"I'm giving instructions. And I'm going to have my plan put into action."
Devnani later filed a restraining order against Bender in December 2017, after which she did not hear from him until the morning of February 27, 2018, when she received two calls from Bender. She did not pick up the call but was worried something was wrong after she did not hear from Patrick. Although Devnani's testimony helped the police place their suspicions on Bender, they couldn't find any concrete evidence linking him to the murder. They received a crucial tip from Bender's ex-wife Daymara, who told them of her suspicions of his involvement in the death of Patrick De La Cerda after she saw a news report of his murder.
Daymara told authorities about notes she found in her ex-husband's notebook that described a murder plan. Although she said he dismissed them as mere ''fantasy'', per CBS News, the police conducted a search of his house, which led to the discovery of the notes in a trash bin, along with shell casings that matched those found at the crime scene. Bender was arrested and charged with first-degree murder. He was subsequently found guilty of murdering Patrick De La Cerda and was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole.
CBS 48 Hours: Jessica Devnani's current whereabouts
Jessica Devnani told CBS in the 48 Hours episode about the day she found Patrick dead in his home that:
''And I'll never forget the scene....Like, it's still in my head, everyday.''
According to CBS News, Devnani and Patrick's families are disappointed with the ''failure of the system'' as they believe the restraining order filed in 2017 couldn't protect Patrick's life. Jessica told 48 Hours that they'll love Patrick ''for the rest of our lives and the afterlives.'' There are not many details about Jessica's current whereabouts, and it seems she prefers to stay away from the media.