CBS 48 hours is a top-rated and highly gripping true-crime series that will explore and investigate the brutal murder case of Georgia's beauty pageant contestant and teacher, Tara Grinstead, in 2005, in the series' Season 34's Episode 59.
The episode, titled, The Tara Grinstead Mystery of CBS 48 hours, will premiere on Saturday, August 20, 2022, at 10/9C, on CBS. As stated in the official synopsis for the episode of CBS 48 hours Season 34:
"A former beauty queen vanishes. One man said he had answers. Why didn’t anyone listen?. "48 Hours" correspondent Peter Van Sant reports Saturday."
Allegedly, in 2005, Tara Grinstead was killed in cold blood by a Georgia man named Bo Dukes. Another Georgia man named Ryan Duke reportedly helped in covering up the case.
Since CBS launched a preview video for the latest Episode 59 of CBS 48 Hours Season 34, viewers have been eagerly waiting to learn all about the murderer and what happened to him.
So, without further ado, let's dig deep to find out all about what happened to the sinister murderer as CBS 48 Hours chronicles and explores the highly arresting real-life murder story.
Who was Bo Dukes and what did he do?

Bo Dukes, who reportedly hails from Georgia, is a former army veteran and was a student in Tara Grinstead's class. He reportedly killed Tara Grinstead while robbing her at her home in Georgia in 2005. He then went on to burn her dead body in the pecan orchard with the help of his former friend Ryan Duke.
However, the truth about his heinous crime was not revealed until 2022. The case remained a mystery for more than a decade.
In 2017, some vital revelations regarding the case were made when a Georgia woman named Brooke Sheridan came forward to reveal that her boyfriend Bo Dukes helped his friend Ryan Duke conceal Tara's murder.

The same year, Ryan gave an interview to the investigators where he confessed to killing Tara. In 2019, Bo was given a sentence of 25 years imprisonment by the court for helping Ryan cover up the murder.
Where is the murderer now?
In 2022, however, Ryan's lawyers exclaimed that his 2017 confession was false and that he lied because he was afraid of his friend Bo. Ryan revealed that it was reportedly Bo Dukes who killed Tara and Ryan only helped him conceal the murder.
During his trial, Ryan reportedly testified that the day Tara went missing, his former friend Bo Dukes woke him up from his sleep to admit that he murdered Tara. Ryan further testified that he had no idea how Tara passed away, but that he indeed went to the Pecan Orchard with Dukes to help him move her body before lighting up the dead body with fire.

Later, on May 23, 2022, Ryan Duke received a reduced sentence of 10 years imprisonment for his involvement in covering up the murder.
Currently, both men are facing outstanding charges associated with the burning of Tara Grinstead's body in a neighboring county.
Watch CBS 48 Hours Season 34 Episode 59, which debuts this Saturday, August 20, 2022, at 10/9C, exclusively on CBS.