A quirky, offbeat adventure awaits viewers with Charlie Day's latest project, Fool's Paradise. This satirical comedy, set to hit theaters on May 12, 2023, will bring to life the fascinating world of fame, fortune, and Hollywood high jinks. Day, who penned the screenplay and also stars in dual roles, masterfully crafts a tale that combines his unique brand of humor with an intriguing exploration of the entertainment industry.
In Fool's Paradise, Day will effortlessly tackle two vastly different characters: a mute man fresh out of a mental health facility and a temperamental method actor who refuses to finish his Western film. As these distinct lives collide, the story will reveal Hollywood's chaos and charm.
Fool's Paradise official trailer and plot: A rollercoaster of emotions and antics
The official trailer for Fool's Paradise provides a tantalizing taste of the story's many layers. As the mute man, played by Day, finds himself thrust into the limelight as Latte Pronto, he quickly becomes a sensation under the guidance of a publicist. The duo navigates the drama and scheming of show business, experiencing the highs and lows that come with fame and fortune.
With a rich tapestry of characters and conflicts, the film offers a satirical examination of Hollywood's inner workings. The trailer showcases the comedic chemistry between Day and Ken Jeong, while also hinting at the inevitable downfalls awaiting their characters. Audiences can anticipate a whirlwind of emotions and antics in Fool's Paradise, exploring larger-than-life characters.
During the production of Fool's Paradise, the pandemic caused delays and allowed Day the opportunity to reassess his project. He shared his experience with SlashFilm and stated:
"I used the pandemic to, like Pixar does, stop and look at my project and change whatever aspects of it I wanted to change. And I'm going through the final editing now, but I had a lot of help from a really talented mentor, a brilliant man named Guillermo del Toro, who ... I was about to sell the movie, and I wanted to get his opinion on something that I really wanted to change, but I knew it was a crazy move to take the movie off the market and go through a change and sit on it for so long"
He added:
"And Guillermo was such a good influence that he said, ‘Listen, you just have to make this movie what you want it to be.’'
An ensemble cast and crew bringing Fool's Paradise to life
This captivating tale is brought to life by an ensemble cast of talented actors, including Charlie Day, Ken Jeong, Kate Beckinsale, Adrien Brody, Jason Sudeikis, Edie Falco, Jason Bateman, Common, Jillian Bell, the late Ray Liotta, and John Malkovich. Each performer will expertly embody their respective roles, as they navigate the twists and turns of the movie's complex and compelling narrative.
Charlie Day has also enlisted the help of some familiar faces from It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia to make appearances in the movie. Fans of the series will recognize actors such as The Waitress and a McPoyle and Ponderosa, adding an extra layer of fun for longtime viewers of Day's hit show.
Fool's Paradise will offer a satirical take on Hollywood, with a compelling story and remarkable performances. As it will delve into fame, fortune, and the entertainment industry, audiences can expect a thrilling ride filled with laughter and emotion on May 12, 2023, in theatres.