Chicago Fire, the longest of the "Chicago Series," is currently on a break from its regular schedule due to Thanksgiving. It is set to return this week with its "festive" episode, or so we hope, on December 8, 2021.
Not only will this be the first episode after Thanksgiving break, it will likely be the last episode of the year. So it wouldn't be wrong to presume a lot from this episode as the show hits its mid-season peak.
Here's a quick recap of the previous episodes and a culmination of our expectations from this week's episode of Chicago Fire.
'Chicago Fire' recap: The story before the break
The previous episode of Chicago Fire, which aired almost a month before the upcoming one, was already an intense episode filled with drama. "What Happened at Whisky Point" dealt with the exposition of the new character, Jason Pelham (Brett Dalton), as his story was made a little clearer.
The episode's primary focus, however, was a rescue mission after a case of Church Arson.
The official synopsis read: "Severide and Herrmann clash over office space; Boden looks at Pelham's past as he considers making him permanent; Gallo's resentment of Pelham comes to a head; Brett and Ritter force Violet to confront her true feelings for Gallo." As is evident from this, there were multiple intersecting side plots too.
The series took a long break after this.
What to expect from "Winterfest"?
Winterfest may be the last episode of the year. Hence, it has some serious responsibilities to shoulder. Fans have high expectations, as no one likes to enter a break without some hardcore drama or perhaps a cliffhanger to keep them hooked.
The last episode may be a Christmas special, but with all probability, it is not. The synopsis recently released by NBC reads: "Gallo, Violet and Ritter debut their microbrewery business at Winterfest; Brett prepares to present her paramedicine program to an oversight panel; Firehouse 51 gets in the holiday spirit."
With the indication of Firehouse getting into the "holiday spirit", it can be inferred that this episode will have some glimpses of holiday special moments.
There should also be an interesting dilemma if the show is to keep the audience hooked for another month again before the show comes back from its mid-season break.
One way or another, it would be an interesting watch, whatever Chicago Fire pulls off with its mid-season finale.
It airs December 8, 2021 on CBS channel.