Chicago Fire, the popular American television drama series that follows the lives of firefighters and paramedics working at the Chicago Fire Department has released a promo for season 11 episode 21, titled Change of plans. The new installment of the season is set to release on May 17, 2023, at 9/8c (9 pm EST and 8 pm CST) on NBC.
Season 11 episode 21 of Chicago Fire will feature a teenage mother giving up her baby, a paramedic losing their job, a stalker harassing Stella, and Carver being arrested for protecting her. The promo also indicated that Carver will be facing charges and suspension.
What to expect from Sam Carver's arrest in Chicago Fire season 11 episode 21
Sam Carver is a beloved teammate of Firehouse 51. The promo for the episode suggests that the news of his suspension will have a significant impact on him.
Despite the fact that disciplinary action will be taken against him, Sam remains convinced that his actions were justified. Furthermore, his colleague Kidd is eager to provide assistance, recognizing that Sam's actions were motivated by a desire to protect her. However, the DA wants to charge Sam on the grounds of felony assault and give him jail time.
Meanwhile, Brett and Violet are trying to connect all loose ends related to the baby they saved in the previous episode. Nothing is set in stone, but it seems Brett is not happy as to how the baby was left in the safety box of the firehouse.
Fans are also missing Kinney, who was supposedly sent to an OFI training camp in the episode Damage Control. His newly married life with Stella did not meet fans expectations. Some also still ship Stella Kidd and Sam Carver.
Another possibility is that the show will focus more on the character of Casey, who has been a central figure on the show since the beginning.
Chicago Fire has always been known for its strong ensemble cast, so it's likely that the writers may introduce new characters to keep the show fresh and interesting.
What we know so far about Sam Carver from season 11
Throughout his time on the show, Sam was portrayed as a complex and multi-dimensional character. He was a skilled firefighter who was always willing to put himself in harm's way to save others.
He was also a loyal friend and colleague, who was always there to support his fellow firefighters and paramedics. However, there were hints throughout the show that Sam had a troubled past and was struggling with personal demons.
The show will need to navigate this new storyline carefully, balancing the need for drama with the need for heartwarming moments. It's likely that the show will explore themes of justice, redemption, and mental health in the coming episodes, as the characters grapple with the fallout from Sam's arrest.
Fans will be eagerly anticipating what's next for the firefighters and paramedics of Firehouse 51, as the show continues to deliver the high-stakes drama and heartwarming moments that have made it a fan favorite for over a decade.
Watch Chicago Fire season 11 episode 21 on Wednesday, May 17, 2023, at 9 pm ET/ 8 pm CT, only on NBC.