NBC's acclaimed medical drama, Chicago Med, is ready for another episode, along with the rest of the One Chicago shows. The upcoming episode of the show is titled Things Meant to Be Bent Not Broken and will air on March 9, 2022. This week, the show will deal with a complicated case involving a patient of Dr. Dylan Scott, played by Guy Lockard.
There will also be multiple other cases intertwining with this one, much like the previous week's episode All the Things that Could Have Been. After a series of delays due to various reasons, the One Chicago shows are finally on a smooth run, and it appears that it will remain this way for some time.
Read on for more details about Chicago Med season 7, episode 15.
Chicago Med promo: The complicated case of a drug dealer?
This week's episode will complicate things, with a patient under Dr. Scott turning out to be a drug dealer. This is sure to cause a moral dilemma for the proficient medical professional, as he has to make a choice between his duties as a doctor and his duties as a civilian.
Additionally, several other cases will also take center stage, including one where a woman believes she is infested with parasites. Dr. Daniel Charles, played by Oliver Platt, and Dr. Vanessa Taylor, plaued by Ashja Cooper, will deal with this case. The short promo has many scenes indicating a completely packed episode.
The official synopsis for the episode reads,
"Scott suspects his patient may be a drug dealer; Halstead must decide how to spend his whistleblower settlement; Charles and Taylor help a patient who believes she's infested with parasites; Marcel and Blake are paired with an arrogant surgeon."
The promo also hints at some kind of trouble for Dr. Crockett Marcel, played by Dominic Rains, and Dr. Blake, played by Sarah Rafferty, when they are paired with an arrogant surgeon, whose identity has not been revealed yet.
When will Chicago Med's latest episode air?
The latest episode of NBC's hit medical drama will air on Wednesday, March 9, 2022, at 7.00 pm ET on the NBC channel. It can also be streamed on Peacock's streaming services, where you can also find all the previous episodes of the show. Stay tuned for more updates.