Chicago PD aired its 11th episode for this season with Lies. The show took a somewhat divergent path after the previous week's episode that focused on Burgess (Marina Squerciati) and Ruzek (Patrick John). This one does not delve into the earlier episode's story at all.
However, the episode Lies heavily focuses on the character of Kevin Atwater (LaRoyce Hawkins). It is intriguing to see how Chicago PD is shifting the emphasis from one character to another very often, allowing a fresh outlook in each new episode.
This episode's main struggle is about a drug dealer whose drugs are causing fatal reactions among the public. Atwater decides to work his way up the undercover ladder as K-Town Kev.
Warning: Spoilers ahead!
Chicago PD recap: How does K-Town Kev fare in the underworld?
At the beginning of the episode, Chicago PD officer Kevin Atwater buys a new house. He celebrates this with Celeste (Amanda Payton), who did not appear on the show for some time. Celeste gifts him a portrait painted by one of her students, but their celebrations don't last long as Kevin gets a call to report in.
Voight (Jason Beghe) wants all hands on deck after a family is found dead overdosing on Fentanyl. Atwater meets with his contact, Jimmy, while being undercover.
Jimmy was a drug dealer with a good heart, and it's through him that Kevin plans to get his hands on the principal dealer. When that does not happen, he arrests a disappointed Jimmy and forces him to help them find their boss, Tovar.
Jimmy's younger brother, Nando, was an MMA fighter who was to have a meeting with the main suspect before the fight. The team plans to catch Tovar red-handed with this opportunity.
The twist of fate: Jimmy's escape
At the MMA match, Atwater loses sight of Jimmy. As Atwater goes into the back office to find him, Tovar catches him off-guard. Atwater manages to talk his way out of the situation, still being his undercover self. The team is unable to catch Jimmy and he manages to escape.
Voight (Jason Beghe) calls on his contact to help find Jimmy. The team gets a hint of his location. As they rush in, they find a hoard of dead bodies. Nando is among them and is on the brink of death when they get to him. A worried Jimmy calls Kevin to learn about his brother.
The Chicago PD take this chance to trace the call. When they reach Jimmy, Atwater tries to talk to him. Jimmy holds Tovar at gunpoint and, despite Atwater's attempts, ends up shooting Tovar. He says it was self-defense and requests Atwater to testify for the same.
However, Atwater comes clean to Voight about Jimmy murdering Tavor. Atwater also comes clean to Celeste, who had no idea about his real identity. Celeste is distraught to learn that Atwater is a cop. His confession does not end on a happy note for both of them.
The next episode of Chicago PD may delve back into the plotline from the earlier episodes. Titled To Protect, it is set to release on January 19, 2022.