The extremely popular teen comedy drama series, Cobra Kai, is set to return with its fifth season on Netflix on September 9, 2022.
The series is a continuation of the well-known film series, The Karate Kid. It is set in the same universe and reprises some of the original characters from the franchise, key among them being Johnny Lawrence, Daniel LaRusso, John Kreese, Terry Silver and more.
Cobra Kai also introduced a new generation of martial arts practitioners who initially joined the dojos for personal reasons but eventually ended up vying to be the best and ultimately emerge as the winner at the All Valley Championship.
In this article, we attempt a deep dive into the character of the overarching antagonist of the series, Terry Silver. Below are a few interesting facts about him that may give us a better insight into his character.
Military service, a lifelong debt and other things you did not know about Cobra Kai's bad guy Terry Silver
1) Terry Silver is a war veteran
In Cobra Kai, Terry Silver is Daniel LaRusso's archenemy and primarily an ally of John Kreese. He met Kreese in his early days when both of them were deployed to the Vietnam war. Both Kreese and Silver were part of a special forces team, handpicked by Captain Turner for covert missions on Vietnamese soil. The two have been close ever since.
2) Why he had such an erratic personality
Being a war veteran, Silver witnessed a lot of bloodshed and near-death experiences which left him traumatized for years. He developed post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in the aftermath of the war, causing him a lot of pain and distress while returning to a normal civil life.
He even went as far as abusing drugs like cocaine to overcome his symptoms. This in turn further aggravated his personality and made his behavior more erratic than complacent. After hitting rock bottom, Silver finally realised what he was doing and went to rehab and underwent therapy. This helped him to regain some semblance of normalcy in his life.
He also got involved in a relationship with Cheyenne Hamidi and was helping her launch a mindfulness app before he decided to rejoin the Cobra Kai dojo at the request of John Kreese.
3) Silver's life-long debt to Kreese
While they were fellow soldiers at war and served under the same captain, the main reason behind Silver going so far to help Kreese was something else. He had pledged his lifelong debt and support to Kreese after a series of events that took place during the war.
Both Silver and Kreese worked under Captain Turner in a special forces team in Vietnam. When they got caught during one of their operations, the Vietnamese army decided to torture them by fighting Silver and Turner to death in hand-to-hand combat. During this combat, Kreese offered to take Silver's place in the fight and thus saved him from a sure defeat.
After the group was saved by a U.S. Air Force strike, Silver pledged his lifelong support to Kreese as a means to express his personal gratitude for saving him from imminent death. Years later, Kreese used this same point to manipulate Silver back into supporting him.
4) Terry Silver is one of the richest persons in the Valley
Other than being a war veteran and a seasoned martial artist, Terry Silver is also the proprietor of a company called Dynatox. A toxic waste disposal and management company in the Valley, Dynatox was passed down to Silver by his family, making him a lot of money in his time.
He became one of the richest people in the Valley, and also sponsored the All-Valley Karate Championship. The wealth that he earned further facilitated him to buy multiple properties across the Valley to open multiple Cobra Kai franchise dojos. It also made bribing the referees of the All Valley Championship to secure their win that much easier.
5) He ties a ponytail for a reason
While deployed to Vietnam, Silver met Kreese along with another fellow squadmate called Ponytail. During one of their covert operations, when Silver's radio crackled while in enemy territory, the North Vietnamese Army personnel caught and executed his squadmate Ponytail.
To this day, Silver somewhat blames himself for Ponytail's death. The ponytail he sports is a way of remembering his war buddy.
As per Cobra Kai's official twitter handle, another reason for the ponytail is so that his long hair doesn't fall on his face and hinder his vision in case somebody attacks him.
A quick recap of Season 4 of Cobra Kai
The fourth season saw the victory of John Kreese and Terry Silver's Cobra Kai dojo in the All Valley Tournament. But following this, Kreese was arrested after being framed by Silver. Daniel then called upon Chozen to help him take down the Cobra Kai dojo, this time from its very roots.
Meanwhile, Johnny and Robby headed out to Mexico to look for Miguel.
With so much set to happen in the fifth season, it promises to be another explosive watch. The upcoming season of Cobra Kai is set to arrive on Netflix on September 9, 2022.