A spine-chilling tale is set to unfold with the upcoming American horror film, Cobweb. The film will mark Samuel Bodin's directorial debut and it promises to deliver a haunting experience. Penned by Chris Thomas Devlin, who is known for their screenplay in the prestigious 2018 series Black List, Cobweb boasts a talented cast including Lizzy Caplan.
Cobweb is set to be released in limited theaters across the United States on July 21, 2023. The film will run for one hour and 28 minutes, ensuring an experience full of suspense and intensity.
Cobweb follows an eight-year-old named Peter
Cobweb revolves around the unsettling experiences of eight-year-old Peter, played by Woody Norman. The young boy finds himself haunted by an eerie, continuous tapping sound emanating from within the walls of his bedroom. His parents dismiss his fears, attributing the noises to an overactive imagination.
As Peter's fear intensifies, he suspects that his parents are hiding a dangerous secret. The film is sure to delve deep into the unsettling aspects of the human psyche, drawing inspiration from Edgar Allan Poe's The Telltale Heart.
The synopsis of the film, as per IMDb reads:
"Horror strikes when an eight-year-old boy named Peter tries to investigate the mysterious knocking noises that are coming from inside the walls of his house and a dark secret that his sinister parents kept hidden from him."
Adding to the chilling atmosphere, the film takes audiences back to the 1970s, offering a nostalgic backdrop for the tale of terror. The title Cobweb holds a sinister significance in the film. As Peter unravels the dark mystery in his bedroom, he stumbles upon cobwebs, which he believes serve as ominous signs of something malevolent lurking within the shadows. The symbolism behind the title adds to the film's atmospheric storytelling.
The title's talented cast
Cobweb brings together a talented ensemble cast to breathe life into its haunting tale. Woody Norman, known for his remarkable performance opposite Joaquin Phoenix in C'mon C'mon, takes on the role of the troubled young protagonist, Peter. Lizzy Caplan portrays Peter's mother, Carol, while Antony Starr takes on the role of his father, Mark.
Samuel Bodin, who gained recognition for his work on the French horror series Marianne, makes his directorial debut with Cobweb. His distinct vision and experience in the horror genre are sure to infuse the film with a sense of dread and suspense.
The film's cinematography, spearheaded by Philip Lozano, adds to the eerie atmosphere, building tension with every shot. Furthermore, the movie's score, masterfully composed by Ben Lovett, is bound to intensify the feelings of fear and apprehension.
The film has received an R-rating
Cobweb has been given an R-rating due to its violent scenes, bloody imagery, strong language, and some s*xual content. As such, audiences should be prepared for a chilling and intense movie that delves into the dark aspects of human nature. With its talented cast, unique setting, and more, Cobweb promises to be a memorable experience.
Director Samuel Bodin's vision and Chris Thomas Devlin's haunting screenplay are sure to captivate audiences, immersing them in a world of psychological terror. As the release date draws near, horror enthusiasts are excited to witness what Cobweb brings to the table on July 21, 2023.