American actor Sean Penn sparked hilarious reactions online after he shared his way of dealing with studio executives amidst the SAG-AFTRA strike. In an interview for the cover story of the media outlet Variety published on September 13, the 63-year-old personality expressed his anger over the big production studios' desire to use actors' faces and voices in the future using artificial intelligence.
Sean Penn starts his hypothetical pitch by enacting a situation where he would be present in a room with his camera crew. He would then tell them:
"So you want my scans and voice data and all that. OK, here's what I think is fair: I want your daughter's, because I want to create a virtual replica of her and invite my friends over to do whatever we want in a virtual party right now. Would you please look at the camera and tell me you think that's cool?"
Sean Penn claims that he was totally serious in his proposition, and added:
"It's not about business. It's an indecent proposal. That they would do that and not be taken to task for it is insulting. This is a real exposé on morality — a lack of morality."
The gravity of Penn's statement shocked several netizens, as one of them commented:
Netizens react to Sean Penn's bizarre take on studio execs using artificial intelligence
After Sean Penn's bizarre hypothetical analogy to deal with studio execs during the SAG-AFTRA strike went viral, X users were shocked and reacted hilariously. Several users used memes and GIFs to express their shock at his statement and the gravity of it. Others said they understood the point but Sean Penn should have used better words to express it.
The Writers Guild of America and the Screen Actors Guild - American Federation of Television and Radio Artists (SAG-AFTRA) are still not agreeing with the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers (AMPTP) on issues such as artificial intelligence (AI), fair pay, and residuals.
The senior members of AMPTP seemed more serious than ever this summer to use artificial intelligence in creative writing and performance. Reportedly, Disney has an AI task force that works across theme parks, television, and marketing.