The new Quantum Leap premiered on Monday, September 19, 2022, and fans of the original series have expressed a range of mixed emotions. Many Twitter users said they miss Sam Beckett and Al Calavicci in the new series. One user mentioned that they're ''crying their eyes out'' over the two lead characters of the original show.
Scott Bakula, who played Sam Beckett in the original Quantum Leap, is not a part of the new series cast, while Dean Stockwell, who portrayed the role of Al Calavicci, passed away in November last year. Read on to find out more about what fans have to say.
Twitter misses Sam Beckett and Al Calavicci in the new Quantum Leap series
Several viewers took to Twitter to share their thoughts on NBC's new Quantum Leap show. Most mentioned that they miss Sam and Al's camaraderie in the new series. Some users shared emotional tweets for the late Dean Stockwell, while others praised the series for its references to Sam and Al.
Take a look at some of the reactions on Twitter.
Sam Beckett and Al Calavicci's friendship in the original Quantum Leap was one of the defining elements of the show. Scott Bakula and Dean Stockwell received widespread critical acclaim for their performances throughout the show's run.
When the new Quantum Leap was announced, there were speculations on social media around Bakula's involvement in the show. However, the actor recently confirmed in an Instagram post that he has ''no connection with the show, either in front of the camera or behind it.''
A quick look at Quantum Leap 2022 plot, trailer, and cast
The new Quantum Leap takes place 30 years after Dr. Sam Beckett vanished into the Quantum Leap accelerator. The series focuses on a young physicist named Ben Song, who's traveled in time to 1985 while his team tries to get him back to the present. The official synopsis of the series, shared by NBC's official YouTube channel, states:
''It's been nearly 30 years since Dr. Sam Beckett stepped into the Quantum Leap accelerator and vanished. Now, a new team, led by physicist Ben Song (Raymond Lee), has been assembled to restart the project. Everything changes, however, when Ben makes an unauthorized leap into the past, leaving the team behind to solve the mystery of why he did it.''
The synopsis further reads,
''At Ben's side throughout his leaps is Addison (Caitlin Bassett), a decorated Army veteran who appears in the form of a hologram only Ben can see and hear. Herbert "Magic" Williams (Ernie Hudson) helms the highly confidential operation whose team at headquarters includes Ian Wright (Mason Alexander Park) and Jenn Chou (Nanrisa Lee).''
The new series features Raymond Lee as the protagonist, Dr. Ben Song. Starring alongside Lee is Caitlin Bassett as Addison Augustine, Ernie Hudson as Herbert Williams, and Mason Alexander Park as Dr. Ian Wright, among many others, in crucial supporting roles.
The gripping trailer for the show offers a peek into the thrilling events set to unfold this season. It's pretty action-heavy, and the stunning visuals elevate the series to a different level altogether. Fans are hoping that the new series does complete justice to the original Quantum Leap.
You can watch Quantum Leap on Peacock a day after it airs on NBC.