The Disney+ original show, Culprits, is scheduled to be released on Wednesday, November 8, 2023. The series is part of the multiple British production projects commissioned to director J Blakeson by Disney+. The third project to be made, Culprits is a much-awaited show, especially since the first two projects received an underwhelming response.
Commissioned in 2021, the filming was done in Europe and Canada, in locations which include London, Manchester, and Ontario. The world premiere for the series was held at the 67th BFI London Film Festival on October 7, 2023.
Culprits follows a group of ex-criminals and their journey toward redemption while questioning the moral stand of various crimes. The series promises dark humor and gripping plot twists, while chronicling the ups and downs of a British heist by the social misfits. Culprits will be aired on both Disney+ and Hulu, and its trailer has already raised viewers' expectations.
Culprits promises a thrilling saga of heist and redemption
When and where to watch Culprits
Culprits will be aired on Disney+, and the streaming giant Hulu has also acquired the rights to air the show. The show will be released on Disney+ UK and Ireland, although no release date for Disney+ US has been revealed yet. However, Hulu subscribers in the US can access the show on their platform.
The official release date for the show is Wednesday, November 8, 2023. It will drop simultaneously on both Disney+ and Hulu. Moreover, all eight episodes are being released at the same time, giving viewers the flexibility to watch the show at their own pace.
What is the plot about?
The series takes its inspiration from the anthology book, Culprits: The Heist is Only the Beginning, as shared by Blakeson during an interview with Variety. The storyline explores the concept of shadows of the past, identity, and consequences of actions. The official synopsis of the series reads:
"Culprits kicks off where most crime stories end: after a high-stakes heist, when the crew of elite criminals have gone their separate ways and have tried to leave their old lives behind. Past and present collide when a ruthless assassin starts targeting them one by one. Why are they being stalked, who is behind the mayhem, and will they be able to find one another in time to protect themselves and the people they love?"
The show has released its official trailer, which offers a glimpse of the events in the story. Meanwhile, the synopsis makes it clear that the series will focus on the post-heist life of a group of ex-criminals in the show’s eight episodes.
While saving themselves and their families takes priority, knowing the identity of the assassin – whether a traitor within the group or an outsider – needs attention as well. With a focus on the character of Joe Petrus and criminal mastermind Dianne Harewood, the action-packed story also comprises an emotional twist in the form of Joe’s family.
After the once-in-a-lifetime heist organized by Dianne comes to an end, Joe Petrus settles down in an American suburb with his partner and two children. Further, every member of the con team takes their share and settles down in a different part of the world, under new identities. They have no plans to meet each other again.
However, Joe's seemingly ordinary life and plans of setting up a bistro, is shattered when he learns about the killing of one ex-member in Italy. For the safety of his identity as well as his family, he returns to the UK to look for Dianne and the others. While they try to dig out the mysterious assassin, more ex-members get killed.
Who comprise the cast of Culprits?
The impressive star cast of the show has Nathan Stewart-Jarrett starring as Joe Petrus, with Gemma Arterton playing Dianne. Some of the other characters and the actors playing the roles are:
- Eddie/Suzie Izzard as Vincent
- Kerby Howell-Baptiste as Officer
- Niamh Algar as Psycho
- Kamel El Basha as Youssef
- Tara Abboud as Azar
- Kevin Vidal as Jules
- Ned Dennehy as Devil
Created and directed by J Blakeson, the series is produced by Morenike Williams, while Johanna Devereux serves as executive producer. Along with Blakeson, Stephen Garrett is also an executive producer. Moreover, Claire Oakley is also a co-director with Blakeson.
Tune in to Hulu or Disney+ UK/Ireland to catch Culprits on Wednesday, November 8, 2023.