A new mockumentary series titled Cunk on Earth is all set to hit Netflix on Tuesday, January 31, 2023, at 3.01 am ET, as per CinemaBlend. The show centers around an investigative journalist who sets out on an epic journey tracing the history of human civilization.
Cunk on Earth features Diane Morgan in the lead role as Philomena Cunk, along with several others portraying important supporting roles. The show is helmed by Black Mirror creator Charlie Brooker. The series is reportedly a Netflix and BBC collaboration.
Cunk on Earth trailer, plot, what to expect, and more details explored
BBC's official trailer for Cunk on Earth offers a glimpse of several intriguing moments from the series. The trailer opens on a fascinating note as the protagonist says,
''Apparently, I've only been given half a minute to tell you about my venture up humanity. That's hardly long enough to explain the Pyramids.''
Philomena Cunk is then shown interviewing various people, including experts, as she tries to delve deep into the roots of humanity and ancient civilization. Overall, the trailer maintains a quirky but intriguing tone that fans of mockumentaries and investigative documentaries would certainly enjoy. Alongside the trailer, BBC also dropped the official description of the show, which reads:
''Philomena Cunk travels the world, heading down caves and up mountains in her search for mankind’s first moments. With the help of a variety of experts, she explains how the earliest societies were formed: from the easier ones to spell, like Rome and Greece, to the ones that are harder to spell, like Egypt and Mesopotamia.''
Based on Cunk on Earth's trailer and synopsis, viewers can look forward to a fascinating exploration of humanity as it traces the origins and roots of human civilization with an awkward and clumsy but resilient journalist as its protagonist. All episodes of the show are expected to be released on Netflix on the same day, on January 31, 2023.
More details about Cunk on Earth cast and crew
The show features Diane Morgan in the role of protagonist Philomena Cunk. Cunk is a journalist who goes on an ambitious journey to trace the roots of human civilization as she takes various experts' help to understand how and where humans came from.
It's Cunk's journey that forms the crux of the story. Morgan wonderfully captures her character's idiosynracies and eccentricites to perfection, and viewers can look forward to a thoroughly entertaining performance from the highly talented actress.
Apart from Cunk on Earth, Diane Morgan is known for her appearances in various other popular and acclaimed films and shows like Netflix's After Life, Mandy, and Death to 2020, to name a few. She'd earlier played the role of Philomena Cunk in Weekly Wipe and other mockumentaries.
The series is helmed by Charlie Brooker, who's best known for creating the iconic sci-fi anthology series, Black Mirror, which has received widespread critical acclaim and is considered to be one of the finest TV series of the 21st century. Brooker's other notable credits include Brass Eye, Nathan Barley, Death to 2020, and many more.
You can watch Cunk on Earth on Netflix on Tuesday, January 31, 2023.