The comedy series Curb Your Enthusiasm began with an hour-long HBO special called Larry David: Curb Your Enthusiasm, which followed a fictitious version of comedic genius Larry David, co-creator of the equally iconic Seinfeld, as he attempted to return to show business.
Much of the ensuing series revolves around this story aspect. David's perpetually grumpy wife Cheryl, his snarky manager Jeff, Jeff's yelling wife Susie, and a plethora of other eccentric personalities unfortunate enough to get entangled in the uncomfortable social situations David contrives, join him in his post-Seinfeld world.
Curb Your Enthusiasm is now coming to an end, with the upcoming Season 12 of the series set to be its last one. The series' final season is scheduled to premiere on February 4, 2024.
Ranking each season of Curb Your Enthusiasm
11) Season 1
As an opening season for a comedy series, Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 1 was great. The eleventh ranking for the first season does not, by any means, imply that it was a bad season. It got off to a slow start, and unlike many other comedy series, the show got better with each season.
Ted Danson, Richard Lewis, and Susie Essman are introduced to us in the first season and go on to become important characters in the series. However, revisiting the early episodes can be tedious since it was at a stage where the series was trying to find it's voice.
10) Season 2
In contrast to the nearly exclusively episodic nature of season one, season two features a season-long narrative centered around Larry's idea to write a new show starring Jason Alexander and Julia Louis-Dreyfus. Wanda Sykes' role is introduced in season two, which also has amazing cameos from Rob Reiner and Shaquille O'Neal.
This season is an improvement from the pilot season, but the show was still in its early stages and had some bumps to smooth over.
9) Season 5
Season 5 of Curb Your Enthusiasm largely maintains the show's rising trend in quality. Even so, the first half outperforms the second. The main plot is around Richard Lewis, Larry's friend, in need of a kidney replacement. This leads Larry to embark on a string of misguided but inept attempts to assist his friend. The story arc in the entire season is strange and makes this one of the lesser-rated seasons of the series.
The second part of this season features some incredible guest stars, such as Hugh Hefner, George Lopez, and Rosie O'Donnell. Rob Corddry, Dustin Hoffman, and Sacha Baron Cohen, who all make appearances as imaginary characters.
8) Season 4
Curb Your Enthusiasm's fourth season follows Larry as he gets ready for his part in Mel Brooks' musical, The Producers. Ben Stiller, who is cast opposite Larry in the musical, performs with him this season. Ben Stiller is one of the best guest stars in the series and this makes Season 4 a treat to watch.
David Schwimmer, who eventually takes Ben Stiller's place in the show is also a great addition to the season, as he is equally clueless in how to deal with Larry. The season also introduces Marty Funkhouser, who goes on to become one of Larry's closest pals.
7) Season 3
The plot of season three, which centers on Larry and a few other friends in the show business who decide to invest in starting a new restaurant, is incredibly memorable. Paul Reiser, David Koechner, Martin Short, and Martin Scorsese are among the performers this season, adding to its charm.
Season 3 marked the show's first foray into significant serialization as most of the episodes stayed related to the restaurant theme.
6) Season 11
The penultimate season follows Larry in his attempt to have the city council amend the ordinance that requires backyard swimming pools to be surrounded by a five-foot fence. Larry approaches a member of the city council in an attempt to sway her opinion to amend this ordinance.
This season features great cameos from actors Albert Brooks, Woody Harrelson, Lucy Liu, and Seth Rogen. The way this season handles a post-pandemic world and subverts viewers' expectations makes it a great watch.
5) Season 9
The humor of Curb Your Enthusiasm continued unabated, despite some of the best TV shows struggling to produce nine excellent seasons. Season 9 marked the return of the series after a six-year hiatus and it definitely gives viewers the feeling that Larry is still shaking off cobwebs.
The season-long story revolves around Larry receiving a fatwa from Iran's Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, for mocking Ayatollahs during a late-night television program.
To make matters worse for Larry, he is also shown working on a musical comedy called "Fatwa!," based on Salman Rushdie's book. The Satanic Verses, which was published in 1989 and caused controversy. The season features an appearance from the author Salman Rushdie too.
4) Season 8
Season 8 marks a welcome change from the heavily serialized Season 7. The season also features fewer guest stars and re-centers the focus on Larry after he goes through a divorce.
The eighth season of Curb Your Enthusiasm centers on Larry adjusting to life alone after his divorce from Cheryl. The main characters relocate to New York halfway through the season, and the new location provides a welcome change of scenery for the program. This season, Michael J. Fox makes an appearance, as he grows to have a hostile relationship with Larry, his neighbor.
3) Season 6
The main plot of this season of Curb Your Enthusiasm is about Larry and Cheryl opening their house to an unidentified family who was left homeless following a hurricane. J. B. Smoove's character Leon, who is a regular in the later seasons of the show, is one of the family members. With Cheryl leaving Larry and Leon becoming a new partner in crime, this season marks the start of a new era for the series.
This season, Ben Stiller is seen making a comeback, while professional tennis star John McEnroe and US Senator Barbara Boxer also make appearances.
2) Season 7
The seventh season's story revolves around Larry's idea to create a reunion show for Seinfeld that includes the original cast plus, in the last episode, a brand-new Seinfeld segment. In addition, we witness Larry's marital struggles and his attempts to win Cheryl back by casting her in a new show. There are special cameos from David Spade, Christian Slater, Dr. Phil McGraw, Philip Baker Hall, and Catherine O'Hara in addition to the original cast of Seinfeld.
While this season of Curb Your Enthusiasm takes humor to a whole new level, it still feels very much like a continuation of Seinfeld humor. The ensemble and comedic approach of Seinfeld has been greatly revitalized this season.
1) Season 10
Probably the best season of Curb YOur Enthusiasm was the tenth season. This season's major storyline follows Larry as he sets up a coffee shop out of retaliation to take on "Mocha Joe's," a company he has some issues with. Larry is not a fan of the local coffee shop's tables, design, or—most importantly—the scones.
Guest stars include Laverne Cox, Jon Hamm, Jonah Hill, Mila Kunis, Clive Owen, and Sean Penn. In addition, there is the fictional cast of Fred Armisen, Isla Fisher, Abbi Jacobson, Jane Krakowski, Nick Kroll, Kaitlin Olson, Alan Tudyk, and Vince Vaughn.
This season is the best because of its humorous plot, making for probably the best serialized storyline of the series. With the addition of the incredibly skilled ensemble, this season wonderfully encapsulates the spirit of Larry David.
Stay tuned for the final season of Curb Your Enthusiasm, scheduled to premiere on HBO and Max on February 4, 2024.