Despite the buggy release, Cyberpunk 2077 turned out to be one of the most successful RPGs of 2020, and this was in part due to it's romance options.
The game wasn't supposed to support mods at launch, but after approximately 2 weeks of it's release, the first mods for Cyberpunk 2077 became available on the internet.
Mod lets players romance Judy irrespective of their gender in Cyberpunk 2077
Those who've played Cyberpunk 2077 are likely aware that Judy can't be romanced as a male "V" in the game. However, the modding community, while tinkering with the game files, discovered that romantic angles with NPCs in game weren't dependent on the sexual orientation of the player to begin with.
Modders discovered an unfinished romantic path for a male "V" with Judy. For context for those who haven't played the game yet, Judy can only be romanced by a female "V," while Panam can only be romanced by a male "V."
However, players can use mods to go down the romantic path with Judy even as a male "V" in Cyberpunk 2077.
To access this scene, players would need to download the Cyber Engine Tweaks Mod for Cyberpunk 2077 and then install it by following the on screen instructions.
Once installed, players can then use the console in the game. During the mission "Pyramid Song," players need to enter the following code in the console before the objective "Check on Judy" comes up.
for i, v in next, {"judy"} do
Game.GetQuestsSystem():SetFactStr(v.."_romanceable", 1)
This will unlock the romance path for males with Judy. However, there's a small issue. Since this path was officially not a part of the game during launch, the animation sequences won't work properly. Although the sequences for the male and the female character are identical in Cyberpunk 2077, it's clear that the male character was just a place holder and wasn't intended for the final product.
For those who are interested in trying this out, they can easily go ahead and download the Cyber Engine Tweaks Mod and proceed with the instructions given above. However, modding is a risky process at times, and it could lead to corruption of the game files. Therefore, just to be on the safe side, making a backup of the game files before proceeding with any mod would be a smart idea.